Download Yahoo Messenger 9.0 RTM for XP and Vista

Hot on the heels of Windows Live Messenger 9.0 (2009) Wave 3 Beta made available earlier this month by Microsoft, Yahoo has released its own instant messaging client. Yahoo Messenger 9.0 is designed to integrate with the latest editions of the Windows client including Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Service Pack 3. Yahoo Messenger 9.0 brings a series of enhancements from a redesign of the graphical user interface to the Yahoo Messenger Pingbox.

“Yahoo Messenger Pingbox, a new application that once embedded into your blog, website or social network page, lets visitors IM you anonymously (or they can identify themselves) without needing to download or even sign into Yahoo Messenger. The good news is you’re anonymous too; visitors to your page never see your Yahoo ID. Pingbox is great for giving your site/page/profile visitors a quick way to chat with you,” revealed Sarah Bacon, Yahoo Product Manager.

But in addition to the Pingbox, Yahoo Messenger 9.0 also features three new skins (and a total of 12), the original emotions pack because of feedback from end users (now complete with new additions), the evolution of the ignore capability, as well as online video & picture viewer. In addition, the latest iteration of the Yahoo instant messaging client also delivers an import contact wizard (from Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, Orkut but also other services), games, and Yahoo updates.

“In addition to new features, we also reworked the status message menu, making it easier to share custom messages and web links. We also added two views for your contact list – detailed (larger display images, full status with updates) or compact (smaller images, one-line name and status). To change the contact list view, click the menu button to the right of the contact search bar,” Bacon added.
Yahoo Messenger 9.0 is available for download here.
By: Marius Oiaga

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Insight on Network Monitor 3.2 RTM

Version 3.2 of Network Monitor is being offered as an update to v3.1, but in this regard, the utility is also nothing like the 2.x releases. Tawanda Sibanda, the lead program manager for Network Monitor indicated that Network Monitor 3.2 was produced through a consistent effort of the Netmon team that worked to integrate into the product all the feedback it had received from customers. At the same time, Netmon 3.2 delivers the inherent bug fixes as well as a necessary boost in stability. Network Monitor 3.2 is designed to support Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

“So What’s New in Network Monitor 3.2? Process Tracking: Now you can identify rogue applications sending network data! View all the processes on your machine generating network traffic (process name and PID). Use the conversation tree to view frames associated with each process. Capture engine re-architecture to improve capture rate in high-speed networks. Network Monitor 3.2 drops significantly fewer frames that Network Monitor 3.1,” revealed Sibanda.

At the explicit request of its users, Microsoft implemented the “Find conversations” capabilities. With version 3.2, frames can be easily isolated in the same network conversation, Sibanda explained. The new iteration of Netmon is capable of parsing over 300 protocols, with Microsoft ensuring a high degree of customization when it comes down to the parsers. In this context, Networtk Monitor 3.2 also offers improved parser management, as users are permitted to expand the default parsers to the full set.

In addition, “in the upcoming months, we plan to place all our Windows parsers on the Microsoft open-source CodePlex site and allow the community to modify and contribute parsers. This version of Network Monitor seamlessly integrates new parser packages. [Network Monitor 3.2 also delivers] Network Monitor API: Create your own applications that capture, parse and analyze network traffic! More extensive documentation of the API and NPL. Access the documentation from Help > NPL and API Documentation. IA64 builds. PCAP capture file support. ContainsBin Plug-in: Search frames for arbitrary byte sequences or strings,” Sibanda added.

Microsoft Network Monitor 3.2 RTM is available for download here.
By: Marius Oiaga
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5 Saran Seks dari Pakar

Mewujudkan hubungan seksual yang romantis dan memuaskan sebenarnya cukup mudah. Asalkan, kita mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan bersama pasangan kita, demikian kata para pakar seks. Namun, kebanyakan pasangan hanya menjalankan hubungan seksual itu seadanya saja. Akhirnya, ‘greget’ hubungan seks itu pun perlahan menurun sejalan dengan lamanya hubungan yang dijalani.

Untuk mewujudkan hubungan seks yang memuaskan, selain butuh kesehatan diri dan pengetahuan seks, ada beberapa hal juga yang perlu dilakukan oleh pasangan. Berikut ini ada beberapa tips yang bisa dilakukan untuk membuat hubungan seks anda berua semakin mantap. Setidaknya, ini menurut para pakar seksual. Mau tahu? Simak di bawah ini.

1. Berlatih
Hubungan seks juga perlu dilatih lho. Anda dan pasangan perlu terus berlatih sambil menikmati hubungan seks. Jika anda melakukan sebuah posisi seks, variasikanlah posisi seks tersebut dengan beberapa perubahan gerakan. Avodah Offit, MD, penulis buku The Sexual Self menyatakan variasi posisi seks perlu dilakukan untuk membuat pasangan semakin bergairah melakukan hubungan seksual. "Cobalah memekakan perasaan anda berdua, dan rasakan perubahan tekanan pada setiap gerakan yang dilakukan pasangan anda. Dengan begitu, anda akan menemukan sendiri posisi mana yang paling tepat dan memberi sensasi yang paling maksimal dari sebuah posisi," ujar Offit.

2. Dry Humping
Kalau biasanya anda melakukan hubungan seks dengan kondisi ‘naked’, coba lakukan sebaliknya. Lakukan hubungan seks sesekali dengan mengenakan busana. Misalnya busana kerja, pesta, pakaian olahraga, atau bahkan swimsuit. Setidaknya, demikian saran seorang terapi seks Joel D Block, PhD dalam bukunya Secrets of Better Sex.

3. Jangan Pasif
Hindari sikap pasif ketika berhubungan seksual. Hubungan seks yang pasif, kurang bisa membakar 300 kalori tubuh anda. "Aktivitas seksual juga merupakan bentuk latihan fisik," ungkap Dr Michael Cirigliano, seorang ahli dari University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Tentunya, selain kenikmatan yang anda dapatkan, anda juga bisa tampak bugar.

4. Persiapan
Perlu adanya persiapan saat hendak melakukan hubungan seksual. Membersihkan diri adalah salah satu persiapan yang bisa dilakukan. Siapkan juga situasi tempat dimana anda akan melakukannya nanti. Setelah itu, coba bikin pembukaan dengan hal yang ringan, seperti menonton film-film romantis. Sebab, film romantis ternyata bisa membangkitkan gairah seks perempuan yang terpendam, demikian kata Dr Jade Sheen, psikologis dari Universitas Deakin.

5. Surat Seks
Cobalah mengadakan permainan seks dengan pasangan anda. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengirim surat yang memuat tulisan dari hasrat seks anda yang menggebu. Surat seks yang anda tujukan pada pasangan anda itu, bisa membuat pasangan menyadari bahwa anda sedang menginginkannya saat itu. Teknik ini dipelopori oleh penulis buku Mars and Venus in The Bedroom, John Gray, PhD
Sumber: Jawapos

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New Windows 7 Tools and Features - Announced for TechEd EMEA 2008 and PDC2008

Microsoft is not only “raising the volume” on the references related to the upcoming Windows 7 Beta development milestone, but it is also no longer drastically limiting the amount of shared information on the next iteration of the Windows client. With Windows 7 specifics planned to be fully detailed in under two months, the Redmond giant has offered another taste of what is in store for the operating system. The successor of Windows Vista will sport an evolved User Account Control, complete with Software Restriction Policies version 2, a new Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit as well as a fresh Windows 7-based Surface software development kit.

According to what the company has already revealed, Windows 7 will come to the table with next-generation graphics infrastructure, touch computing capabilities, energy consumption optimizations and a new networking application programming interface designed to permit developers to build web services in native code. But the evolution of Windows 7 will span across all areas of the operating system including virtualization, security, search, networking, management, deployment etc. A sneak peek at what will be available in Windows 7 is offered through the agendas of the TechEd 2008 EMEA and PDC 2008 conferences.

At the beginning of this week the Redmond company has announced new Windows 7 tools and features, with the promise to deliver additional details at the upcoming TechEd EMEA 2008 and the Professional Developer Conference 2008. For PDC2008, the number of Windows 7 sessions has grown to 5 with the addition of the Developing for Microsoft Surface presentation (Presenter: Brad Carpenter).

“This session introduces the newly available Surface SDK that forms the basis of the Windows 7 multi-touch programming model. In addition, learn about the unique attributes of Surface computing and then dive into the core controls like ScatterView and vision-system tagging. Learn how you can become a part of the expanding partner ecosystem for Surface computing and leverage your existing investments in Windows Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Visual Studio,” reads the abstract of the session.

But while Microsoft has promised that PDC2008 will offer a comprehensive insight into Windows 7, for the time being it is TechEd 2008 EMEA that has all the “juicy details.” For TechEd EMEA 2008 there are no less than 11 sessions announced, recently adding four to the original 7, namely Windows 7 Security, User Account Control (UAC) and Software Restriction Policies v2 (SRP); Windows 7 Fundamentals; Windows 7 Networking: Branch Offices and Get Involved - Building the Next-Generation Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit for Virtualization, Windows 7, and more.

“Windows 7 networking features support distributed enterprises. In this session we will discuss the networking features of Windows 7, explore their usage scenarios and understand how to manage them in an enterprise environment. Interactive Sessions are designed as an opportunity for dialogue between presenter(s) and audience. Please come prepared with questions on the session's topic to discuss with the presenter(s). Interactive Sessions will have less use of PowerPoint push out to the audience and more discussion,” reads the abstract for the Windows 7 Networking: Branch Offices session presented by Devrim Iyigun (Okurgan), Sandeep Singhal.

Microsoft's Steve Hiskey will focus on the new User Account Control in Windows 7, as well as the version 2 of Software Restriction Policies and their respective evolution from what is available today in Windows Vista SP1. Baldwin Ng, senior product manager, Microsoft Solution Accelerators, will present the next-gen Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit which will be tailored to Windows 7.

“Windows 7 Fundamentals - This session will define Windows Fundamentals, discussing Microsoft's focus on Fundamentals for Windows 7 and provide an overview of the Platform, Tools, Telemetry investments and broader ecosystem outreach efforts designed to ensure Windows 7 ships with the highest level of quality,” indicates the abstract of the Windows 7 Fundamentals session presented by Erik Lustig.
By: Marius Oiaga

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Counter-Strike 1.6

Counter-Strike 1.6 is a MOD for Half-Life that is set in a teamplay mode. Play the world's number 1 online action game. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular team-based game. Ally with teammates to complete strategic missions.

Take out enemy sites. Rescue hostages. Your role affects your team's success. Your team's success affects your role.

There is only one outcome in each scenario and you will have to prove your allegiance every time you pull the trigger.

· 500 mhz processor
· 96mb ram
· 16mb video card
· Windows 2000/XP
· Mouse
· Keyboard
· Internet Connection

· 800 mhz processor
· 128mb ram
· 32mb+ video card
· Windows 2000/XP
· Mouse
· Keyboard
· Internet Connection

Note: This is a Steam installer, which means you need to have Steam on your computer and a valid copy of Half-Life
Counter-Strike 1.6 is available for download here.

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Gunbound 606

Gunbound is a game that like Worms - only this time played with tanks. GunBound is about an endless war fought with one-person-driven vehicles called Mobiles. In Lond, 16 special Mobiles are tested carefully depending on the region they will be used in.

With the many unique types of armour, we open the game to you, so you can develop crafty (and even sneaky!) new strategies. the Moondisk also chandes the gravity on each map, making it necessary to estimate how the atmosphere will alter how you fire. It's important to use your weapons well and adapt quickly, or you wil surely lose quickly!

Each turn, you have a lot of different options available. You can shoot, or you can hide by burying yourself in the ground, like a bunker.

All of these things make the game dynamic, and help the game come alive for players! Players can choose any mobile they want, dress their avatar in any fashion they choose, and enter battle! And if you win, you even bonus points, allowing you to dress in better clothes.

Remember, winning is important, but you must also please the crowds, so dressing well also helps you earn more money -"bad" players can win, but this does not mean they will get a lot of points!

NETWORK: GunBound gives you fast, easy access using its special network system. This turn-based game is so fast paced, you will actualy think it's real time!
Gunbound is available for download here.

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Microsoft: a "Good Enough" Windows 7 Beta with Room for Refinement

Microsoft is in no rush to deliver the first beta of Windows 7. Even according to the official time table for the delivery of Windows Vista's successor, the Redmond company is just a few months short of the final deadline, and yet there is no Beta on the immediate horizon. This, even if at the end of 2007, Windows 7 Milestone 1 was offered for testing to the software giant's closest partners, as well as antitrust regulators. However, the first contours of the Windows 7 Beta are beginning to emerge, with Microsoft cranking up a notch the references to a development build beyond Alpha and Milestone releases.

"We’re going to deliver a Beta that is good enough to experience and leaves us enough time to address areas where we need more refinement," revealed Mike Angiulo, Windows PC Ecosystem and Planning team lead. The Windows 7 Beta reference comes after the August availability of Windows 7 Client drivers and updates going live on the Microsoft Update Catalog. In fact, at the end of the past month, Microsoft was gearing up to start publishing the first Windows 7 beta drivers and updates.

"We work to find the best possible timing for sharing the product and gathering final feedback. If we release it too early it’s usually not in any shape to evaluate, especially with respect to performance, security, compatibility and other critical fundamentals. If we release too late we can’t actually take any of the feedback you give us, and I can’t think of a worse recipe for customer satisfaction than to ask for feedback which gets systematically ignored. I was just looking at another software "feedback" site where a bunch of the comments just asked the company to "please read this site!"," Angiulo added.

The fact of the matter is that all the signs coming from Microsoft point to an upcoming availability of a Windows 7 Beta release. The Redmond company has been shy of confirming anything official yet, and probably will hold all details under a sealed lid for quite some time. There are a variety of events and conferences at the end of the year, in the October-November timeframe with Windows 7 set to take center stage including the Professional Developer Conference (PDC) 2008, Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) 2008, as well as TechEd EMEA 2008. Delivering Windows 7 Beta in October – November 2008 will still give Microsoft approximately a year of development just for the Beta stage.
By Marius Oiaga

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Over 2 Years of Feedback for Windows 7, and Counting

Even though Microsoft has only recently started talking Windows 7, in preparation for events such as the professional Developer Conference 2008, WinHEC 2008 and TechEd EMEA 2008, the fact of the matter is that Windows Vista's successor has been in development since 2007. In fact, for the past couple of years, namely as early as the end of 2006, the Redmond giant has been collecting feedback on Windows 7. And this process is by no means at an end, as it is bound to continue even following the market availability of the next iteration of the Windows client.

"Over the last two years we’ve had a team of dozens of professional researchers fielding surveys, listening to focus groups, and analyzing telemetry and product usage data leading up to the vision and during the development of Windows 7 – and we’re not done yet. From our independently run marketing research to reading your feedback on this blog we will continue to refine our product and the way we talk about it to customers and partners alike. That doesn’t mean that every wish goes answered! One of the hardest jobs of planning is in turning all of this data into actionable plans for development," revealed Mike Angiulo, Windows PC Ecosystem and Planning lead.

In addition to events and conferences such as TechEd, WinHEC, PDC and input gathered through surveys, the largest harvester of feedback is integrated within the Windows architecture, telemetry systems that send millions and millions of records to Microsoft, of course only with end users’ consent, and without any identifiable data.

According to Microsoft, the marrying of the feedback with the development process of Windows 7 is focused on three key areas. The company needs to ensure an equilibrium between the novelty aspect of the new Windows platform and the operating system's capacity to deliver satisfaction throughout its lifecycle. Another balance has to be achieved when it comes to handling aggregate and individual user input, in order to tailor the resulting product for the general case scenario designed to satisfy all consumers. At the same time, Microsoft needs to deliver the right operating system at the right time, and an example of what not to do in this matter is of course Windows Vista.

"We have input on key tradeoffs. We have a position on future trends. That’s usually enough to get started on the next version of the product and we stay connected with customers and partners during throughout development to keep our planning consistent with our initial direction but isn’t enough to know we’re ready to ship. Really being done has always required some post engineering feedback phase whether it’s a Community Technical Preview, Technology Adoption Program or a traditional public Beta," Angiulo stated.
By Marius Oiaga

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Windows 7 Boot Performance – Under 15 Seconds

A 15-second boot time is the target Microsoft is aiming for with the evolution of Windows 7's startup performance. The software giant in fact spared no resources for the next major iteration of the Windows client, and has an entire team focusing exclusively on the performance associated with the startup process. However the effort is much larger than just a single team, spanning across the entire Windows project and to the Redmond company's hardware and software partners.

"Startup can be one of three experiences; boot, resume from sleep, or resume from hibernate. Although resume from sleep is the default, and often 2 to 5 seconds based on common hardware and standard software loads, this post is primarily about boot as that experience has been commented on frequently. For Windows 7, a top goal is to significantly increase the number of systems that experience very good boot times. In the lab, a very good system is one that boots in under 15 seconds," revealed Michael Fortin, Microsoft distinguished engineer and lead of the Fundamentals feature team in the Core Operating System group.

Statistics gathered through the Customer Experience Improvement Program from Windows Vista Service Pack 1 machines indicate that just 35% experience boot times of 30 seconds or less. The remaining 75% boot in as much as 50 seconds. Fortin indicated that there are millions of computers corresponding to the data received by Microsoft. But in this regard, the Redmond company considers that the startup experience delivered to end users, even with Vista SP1, is simply not good enough.

"From our perspective, too few systems consistently boot fast enough and we have to do much better. Obviously the systems that are greater than 60 seconds have something we need to dramatically improve—whether these are devices, networking, or software issues. As you can see there are some systems experiencing very long boot times. One of the things we see in the PC space is this variability of performance—variability arises from the variety of choices, and also the variety of quality of components of any given PC experience," Fortin added.

But in the end it's not just Windows, it's also the installed software and the underlying hardware that deliver an impact on the perception of performance, or the lack of it. One major contributor to a reduced level of startup performance is "the off-the-shelf configuration" of OEM computers. Microsoft found that while a pre-configured OEM machine would boot in 45 seconds, the same computer, but featuring a clean install of Windows Vista SP1, would have a boot time of just 23 seconds, which, with additional optimization, could be taken down to just 21 seconds.

"As an example Windows 7 effort, we are working very hard on system services. We aim to dramatically reduce them in number, as well as reduce their CPU, disk and memory demands. Our perspective on this is simple; if a service is not absolutely required, it shouldn’t be starting and a trigger should exist to handle rare conditions so that the service operates only then," Fortin explained.

Windows 7 will be tweaked with the inclusion of a revenged service trigger mechanism which will manage auto start items more efficiently. On top of this, Microsoft is also optimizing Vista's successor to offer an enhanced parallelism of driver initialization. In this context, individual driver loading times will not take a toll on the startup time.

"In terms of reading files from the disk, Windows 7 has improvements in the "prefetching" logic and mechanisms. Prefetching was introduced way back in Windows XP. Since today’s disks have differing performance characteristics, the scheduling logic has undergone some changes to keep pace and stay efficient. As an example, we are evaluating the prefetcher on today’s solid state storage devices, going so far as to question if is required at all. Ultimately, analysis and performance metrics captured on an individual system will dynamically determine the extent to which we utilize the prefetcher," Fortin said.
By Marius Oiaga

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Customize IE8 Beta 2 with Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8 Beta - Courtesy of Microsoft

Just as it was the case with Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft is enabling the customization of Internet Explorer 8 via the Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8 Beta. In this context, just as IE8 is designed to replace IE7, the Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8 Beta is the successor of IEAK7. Users will need the Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 bits and the IEAK8 Beta in order to customize the browser.

“The Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) 8 Beta simplifies the creation, deployment and management of customized Windows Internet Explorer 8 packages. IEAK 8 can be used to configure the out-of-box Internet Explorer 8 experience for your users to manage user settings after you deploy Internet Explorer 8. IEAK 8 is now simpler, more intuitive, and more efficient than IEAK7,” reads a fragment from Microsoft's description of the kit.

The Redmond giant informed that IEAK8 Beta would not work with either IE7 or IE8 Beta 1; the tool is designed to integrate exclusively with IE8 Beta 2. In this context, the kit is capable of personalizing a set of the browser's features that simply weren't present in IE7 or in IE8 Beta 1. Accelerators, Web Slices, First Run Wizard and Welcome Page options, Compatibility View, Search Enhancements, InPrivate, Developer, Delete Browsing History, etc. can all be tweaked and fine-tuned according to personalized settings via IEAK8 Beta. The kit supports both the 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows Vista RTM and SP1, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

“Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) 8 Beta programs and tools make it easy for you to deploy Internet Explorer 8 and manage custom browser software packages,” Microsoft indicated enumerating the components of the kit: “the IEAK Toolkit contains helpful tools, programs, and sample files, such as bitmaps and a sample sign-up. The Internet Explorer Customization Wizard browser guides you through the process of creating custom browser packages. IEAK 8 supports creating an MSI wrapper for your custom Internet Explorer 8 packages to make enterprise deployment via Active directory possible.”

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 (IE8 Beta 2) is available for download via this link.
Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8.0 Beta can be downloaded from here.
By: Marius Oiaga

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Download Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Beta 2 for Vista SP1 and XP SP3

The wait is over. At almost six months since the introduction of Internet Explorer Beta 1 in early March at MIX08, Microsoft unveiled the second Beta for the next iteration of its proprietary browser. In this context, the Redmond company lived up to its promise to deliver the second development milestone of IE8 by the end of this month, with the Beta 2 bits going live on August 27. According to Microsoft, Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is available for download for 32-bit Windows XP, and both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. The Redmond giant indicated that the browser would integrate with the latest versions of the Windows client and server platforms, including Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) and Windows Vista Service Pack 1(SP1).

"We’re excited to release IE8 Beta 2 for public download," stated Dean Hachamovitch, IE General Manager. "In addition to English, IE8 Beta 2 is available in Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), and German. Additional languages will be available soon. While Beta 1 was for developers, we think that anyone who browses or works on the web will enjoy IE8 Beta 2. We focused our work around three themes: everyday browsing (the things that real people do all the time), safety (the term most people use for what we’ve called ‘trustworthy’ in previous posts), and the platform (the focus of Beta 1, how developers around the world will build the next billion web pages and the next waves of great services)."

Since the beginning of this week Microsoft has been building up the anticipation for the delivery of IE8 Beta 2. Although the company never confirmed the August 27 deadline, the release date had been already leaked. At this point in time the Redmond giant is reportedly gearing up for a November launch of the gold bits of IE8. In this context, Beta 2 is the last development milestone before IE8's Release to Web (RTW).

IE8 Beta 2 sports a number of new features such as InPrivate Browsing, InPrivate Blocking, InPrivate Subscriptions, but also Compatibility View, Search Suggestions, SmartScreen Filter Web Slices and Accelerators.

"If you are currently using IE8 Beta 1 on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 with Automatic Updates turned on, you will receive IE8 Beta 2 through Windows Update. Download IE8 Beta 2, use it – the browser itself, the developer tools, writing an Accelerator, marking part of your page as a Web Slice – and let us know what you think," Hachamovitch added.
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Beta 2 is available for download here.
By: Marius Oiaga

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Final IE8 Confirmed for November, Possibly November 1

It's right about due time for end users to start holding their breath for the final release of Internet Explorer 8. Although Microsoft has failed to confirm an official delivery deadline, the Redmond company did manage to let IE8 RTW details slip through its fingers. Now with the IE8 Beta 2 bits available for download since August 27, the IE team is wrapping up the next iteration of Internet Explorer. The gold build of Internet Explorer 8 will drop in November 2008, possibly as early as November 1.

Information related to the Beta 2 and RTW builds was leaked as early as mid-August, courtesy of Mary Jo Foley, but now Microsoft has managed to provide official confirmation for the November Release to Web date of Internet Explorer 8 final. On the official IE8 website on, the Support area offers a link to the browser's support site. The Redmond giant is offering free unlimited installation and usage assistance for Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 (All Languages), according to the support page for the second beta version of IE8.

"Free unlimited installation and usage support is available for Internet Explorer 8 pre-released versions, but only for North America English customers. This support for Internet Explorer 8 pre-released versions is valid until November 1, 2008. Advanced issues are not supported. Advanced issues include, but are not limited to, problems that are associated with software and hardware development, domain connectivity, server-based technologies, Web site development, and business-critical systems," reads an excerpt from the message published on the IE8 Beta 2 Help and Support webpage. (emphasis added)

The fact that support for IE8 Beta 2 is to be cut off at the start of November is ample proof that the month will be synonymous with the drop of the final version of Internet Explorer 8. This could very well happen as early as November 1, but the fact of the matter is that there is no guarantee for such a scenario. In this context, the support cut-off date for IE8 Beta 2 does not necessarily coincide with the availability of the RTW version of Internet Explorer 8.

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is available for download here.
By: Marius Oiaga

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Resource Hogs: Google Chrome and IE8 Beta 2 Compared to Firefox 3.0.1

Google Browser (Google Chrome) and Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 are nothing short of resource hogs compared to Firefox 3.0.1. This is the conclusion presented by researchers from the Devil Mountain Software company, who threw the three browsers one against the other on the same "arena", a Dell OptiPlex 745 (Core 2 Duo @ 2.66GHz) with 2GB of RAM and running both Windows Vista SP1 and Windows XP SP3.

The conclusion on IE8 Beta 2 is not that flattering: "What we found was another example of unchecked Microsoft code "bloat," complete with "shirt-bursting, waistline-stretching" memory consumption and the kind of CPU-hogging thread growth normally reserved for massively parallel server farms," a representative from the Devil Mountain Software company stated.

But the fact of the matter is that Google Chrome, is even worse. "What we found was truly shocking: After re-executing our 10-site, multi-tab scenario across all 4 browsers, we discovered that it is Google Chrome, not Internet Explorer 8, that is the true memory consumption leader," the Devil Mountain Software company member indicated.

In a 10-site, multi-tab browsing scenario, IE8 Beta 2 consumed no less than 332MB of RAM, with Chrome Beta also eating a lot of system memory, namely 324MB. By contrast, Internet Explorer 7 only managed to climb as high as 250MB. In this context, it appears that the new technologies, features and capabilities built into Internet Explorer 8, as well as Google Chrome, require more resources than Firefox to perform the same tasks.

"Of course, both browsers look absolutely porcine when compared to the lean, mean Firefox 3.01 (151MB peak, 104MB average working set size). And lest we forget, IE 7 continues to hover somewhere between the fit & trim Firefox and the obesity that defines Chrome/IE 8 (209MB peak, 142MB average)," the Devil Mountain Software company researcher added.

But when it comes down to CPU utilization, both Firefox 3.0.1 and Google Chrome managed to shame IE8 Beta 2, in terms of their hunger. Google Browser took no less than 45% of the processor while Firefox 3.0.1 managed a high of 42%. IE 8 Beta 2 used just 22% of the CPU under XP SP3 and 33% under Vista SP1, while IE7 took only 13% and 24% respectively.

"Both Firefox and IE 7 spawn a relatively modest number of threads (25 and 43, respectively), a fact related to their reliance on a single process instance to handle all tabbed sessions. By contrast, IE 8 spawns potentially hundreds of threads (153 in our latest test round), and spreads them out across its various instances (in our case, 6 discrete copies of iexplore.exe)," the Devil Mountain Software company member indicated, adding that, by contrast, Chrome was managing just 48 execution threads at the apex of the test scenario.

But in the end, the fact that Firefox 3.0.1 is superior, in terms of resource usage, to Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 8 shouldn't come as a surprise. Both Microsoft and Google's browsers are still in Beta development stage, albeit IE8 is in Beta 2, with the gold version expected to drop in November 2008, and considerably slower than its predecessor.

"Chrome, like IE 8, is a browser designed with tomorrow’s hardware in mind. Its use of a multi-process tabbing model – which, according to Google, helps isolate failures and protect complex web applications (like GMail or Google Docs) – means that it will always use more memory than Firefox, IE 7 and similar, single-process browsers. How such model will hold up under heavy use, especially on today’s hardware, remains to be seen," reads the conclusion from the Devil Mountain Software company.

Google Chrome is available for download here.
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is available for download here.
Firefox 3.0.1 for Windows is available for download here.
Firefox 3.0.1 for Linux is available for download here.
Firefox 3.0.1 for Mac OS X is available for download here.
By: Marius Oiaga, Technology News Editor (

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Google Browser (Chrome) - the Internet Explorer Killer

If Microsoft is moving into the Cloud, Google is expanding to the Desktop and to the Windows client. The Mountain-View search giant is on the verge of making available a beta version of Google Chrome, a browser initially designed to integrate only with the Windows platform, but which is set to be tailored to additional platforms in the future. Not even out yet, Google Chrome is positioned as an Internet Explorer killer, far beyond what Microsoft's rivals Mozilla and Opera have been capable of doing with their own products.

"This is just the beginning – Google Chrome is far from done. We're releasing this beta for Windows to start the broader discussion and hear from you as quickly as possible. We're hard at work building versions for Mac and Linux too, and will continue to make it even faster and more robust," revealed Sundar Pichai, VP Product Management, and Linus Upson, engineering director.

At the time of this article the Google Chrome bits were not available for download yet. Google is attempting what representatives from the company referred to as a "fresh take on the browser," with every intention to "launch early and iterate." Anchored on the desktop and owning the vast majority of both the operating system and the browser markets, with Windows and Internet Explorer, the Redmond giant is in fact an intermediary between the end users and Google, located almost exclusively into the cloud.

Even though Google claims that Chrome will be made available "because we believe we can add value for users and, at the same time, help drive innovation on the web," the fact of the matter is that the Mountain View company is making a decisive move to reduce the relevance of Internet Explorer on the world wide web.

At the end of August 2008, Winifred Mitchell Baker, chairperson of the Mozilla Foundation and chairperson and former chief executive officer of the Mozilla Corporation, announced that "we’ve just renewed our agreement with Google for an additional three years. This agreement now ends in November of 2011 rather than November of 2008, so we have stability in income."

So in this context, Google and Mozilla are now obvious partners, on the same front against Microsoft. At the end of August 2008, all the supported editions of Internet Explorer accounted for over 70% of the browser market, according to data from Net Applications, while Firefox was close to breaking the 20% milestone. As a newcomer, Google Chrome will start from zero, but the browser is bound to get traction fast, especially with Google's resources behind it.

The Google Browser features components from Apple's WebKit and Firefox and is a fully fledged open source product. Chrome sports a new approach to the graphical user interface, with the focus on Tabs but also features such as Omnibox, an address bar with auto-completion functionality, as well as a Speed Dial, privacy mode via the "incognito" window, a new method of managing the execution and usage of web applications, and malware protection.

"Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today's complex web applications much better. By keeping each tab in an isolated "sandbox", we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites. We improved speed and responsiveness across the board. We also built a more powerful JavaScript engine, V8, to power the next generation of web applications that aren't even possible in today's browsers," added Pichai and Upson.

Update: Google Chrome is available for download here.
By Marius Oiaga, Technology News Editor (

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Google Launches Chrome Internet Browser

Google is launching its own free, open source web browser. Google Chrome, as the browser is called, will only be available for Windows operating systems for a while, but the team is working on developing the product for Mac and Linux users as well.

Since Google is undoubtedly ruling the search market, many wonder as to why the company felt the need to sail close to the wind, as all the pieces seem to be well set on the board – Microsoft's Internet Explorer is leading the market, with Mozilla's Firefox distantly following. Google believes that one more good application can never be too much and, in this sense, Chrome promises to be a breakthrough.

“We realized that the web had evolved from mainly simple text pages to rich, interactive applications and that we needed to completely rethink the browser. What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that's what we set out to build.” VP Product Management Sundar Pichai and Engineering Director Linus Upson wrote on Google's official blog, announcing the launch.

What singles out the new browser is, primarily, the fact that tabs are given a greater importance than windows. Hence, tabs will be set at the top of the page, above the address bar. To each tab a separate process will be assigned, which means that, whenever one jams or is unresponsive, the others will continue to work. Thanks to a JavaScript engine, V8, pages will load really fast compared with similar products, the company claims.

As a plus, users will have the possibility to track all the processes employed by the browser, and to detect which webpages eat up more resources. Also, the Google browser will have a function resemblant to “Suggest,” used by the search engine to offer hints on most popular pages whenever users start writing something in the search box. Here too, users will have the possibility to shortcut their way to webpages that have been previously opened with the browser, or to get suggestions about the most visited websites corresponding to the first letters typed in the address bar.

Google, bearing in mind the criticism regarding users' privacy that the company faced many times, will allow them to make use of the browser in an “incognito” mode, which will prevent the storage of any information related to what users do with it.

Furthermore, Google is following up its simplicity approach, underscoring that a browser is a tool focused on functionality, therefore, making it a real eye candy is not necessary. “On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple. To most people, it isn't the browser that matters. It's only a tool to run the important stuff – the pages, sites and applications that make up the web. Like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go.” Pichai and Upson added.

Today, people from over 100 countries will get to have their say about the latest product of the Mountain View-based company.
By: Denisa Ilascu, Internet / SEO News Editor (

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Green Tea Saves the Boobs! - Its phytochemicals kill breast cancer cells

This not only hits hard a woman's femininity, but in the western world it is also the most widespread cancer in women, touching about 30% of them. About 2.7% of the breast cancer patients die annually and 20% in the next 5 years after being diagnosed.

But now the secret of healthy breasts of the Oriental women seems to be revealed: a team led by Dr. Radha Maheshwari, professor of Pathology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) and Rajesh Loganathan Thangapazham, a graduate student, has revealed in a study published in the Journal of Cancer Biology and Therapy that green tea has antitumor effect in breast cancer cells.

Cancer starts with cell proliferations forming a lump (tumor). Benign tumors are relatively not harmful but the malignant ones are invasive, spreading to other parts of the body and developing new tumors. They travel through cells carried by blood and lymph to healthy organs or tissues anywhere in the body. This phenomenon is called metastasis and is the deadly end of the disease.

Chemoprevention involves the use of chemicals, natural or synthetic, to stop this development.

The new research shows that green tea can limit the invading capacity of malignant breast cancer cells through its polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which induce a programmed death in the cancer cells (apoptosis). EGCG induced a 24-28% reduction in invasion and polyphenols a 15-23% decrease, depending on the dose administered.

This could be one of the explanations why epidemiological research revealed a lower incidence of breast cancer in green tea consuming Asian countries compared to European countries. The phytochemicals extracted from the green tea could be combined with chemotherapy for ensuring a complete success against breast cancer.

A research published earlier by the same group showed that green tea can delay tumor emergence and lower the size of the existing ones, by inhibiting their growth and inducing cell death.
By: Stefan Anitei

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AntiX 7.5 Released

Anti and MEPIS announced a few days ago the release of the latest version of their Linux distribution, antiX MEPIS 7.5, codenamed "Toussaint Louverture." It brings some new additions, like the antiX Control Centre and the smxi script, and some improved features such as the Fluxbox and IceWM window managers.

Particularly useful to users keen on having a very fast and configurable system, this lightweight OS is based on the MEPIS Linux 7.0 core, featuring the MEPIS 2.6.22 kernel and utilities, together with certain additions from Debian Lenny.

Probably the highlight of this release, the antiX Control Centre is a feature based on community contributions, which brings many settings (desktop and system management, network tools, hardware configurations) all in one easy accessible place.

Another new presence is the smxi script, which gives the user the option to manage the kernel and driver upgrades more easily, while allowing three kernel version possibilities: default, sidux and Debian Unstable. Community support is strongly felt, mainly thanks to the MEPIS Wiki and User's Manual, the antiX MepisLovers forums and a revised set of FAQs.

The Fluxbox and IceWM window managers have been given new and improved interfaces in order to enhance functionality and appearance. Like the two pre-installed WMs, Conky and ROX Desktop are also available and ready for use. An important mention would be the fact that all applications, including Abiword 2.6.4 and Iceweasel 3.01, have been upgraded to correspond to the Debian testing versions.

In order to upgrade to this version, you can use the available script which permits you to get your system from 7.0 or 7.2 to 7.5. Looking to give users as much setup flexibility as possible, antiX MEPIS 7.5 comes in a base configuration, strictly needing only 64 Mb of RAM, and Pentium II or AMD equivalent processor.

Download MEPIS AntiX 7.5 right now from here.
By: Mihai Mircea, Linux Editor (

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Kiwi Linux 8.08 Launched

A few days ago, the Kiwilinux team announced the release of the latest version of their Linux distribution. Kiwi 8.04 has some nice features, like the support for the Speedtouch USB ADSL modem, and also includes by default the necessary packages to play restricted video, audio and Flash formats.

The software repositories for Kiwi and Ubuntu are much the same with one source extra for Kiwi, required for some minor differences with some packages. The major advantages are that it's relatively easy to change to or from Ubuntu, and also that Kiwi benefits from all the security updates of the former, as these are fetched automatically.

Although they are similar in many ways, the two distros do have some notable differences. For instance, Kiwi 8.08 has a different default mail client (Mozilla Thunderbird) and music player (Audacious) from Ubuntu's Evolution and Rhythmbox. Apart from that, Kiwi 8.08 comes with two very useful packages: unrar (a freeware program for extracting and viewing the contents of archives created with the WinRAR archiver) and msttcorefonts (which allows the installation of the Microsoft True Type Core Fonts for the Web).

Here is the complete list of differences from Ubuntu 8.04.1:
· Packages up to date as of August 28, 2008;
· Thunderbird as the default mail client and Audacious the music player;
· All gstreamer codecs and flashplugin-nonfree;
· Compiz extra settings GUI;
· msttcorefonts and unrar;
· a graphical application designed to restore GRUB boot menus lost after installing other OSes;
· mc (midnight commander);
· 12Mb of space have been cleared by removing the on-CD package archive.

About Kiwi Linux:
Kiwi is an Ubuntu-based distribution for the x86 processor family that comes on a live CD. It features numerous tools such as Flash plugin for Firefox, multimedia codecs, support for encrypted DVD, PPPoE GUI for an easier access to local ISPs, and Romanian and Hungarian localization. As for language support, the current version includes on the CD only English, German, French, Romanian and Hungarian.

Get Kiwi 8.08 right now from here.
By: Mihai Mircea, Linux Editor (

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10 Cara Membuat Balita Cerdas

Anak balita punya kemampuan luar biasa untuk menyerap kepandaian dan informasi baru dibandingkan anak yang berusia lebih tua. Penelitian menunjukkan, mengenalkan pada kegiatan membaca, bahasa, dan matematika sejak usia balita, akan membuat mereka lebih mudah menangkap pelajaran tersebut nantinya.

Berikut sejumlah cara yang bisa mendorong serta melatih mereka agar memiliki otak cerdas.
1. Mengajak bicara.
Ceritakan tentang apa saja padanya. Yang jelas, anak jadi tahu, dia merupakan pusat perhatian Anda. Hal ini akan mendukungnya di dalam perkembangan pengetahuan bahasa dan pemikirannya.

2. Pilih buku anak-anak dengan huruf yang besar dan gambar yang jelas.
Hal ini akan menolong anak mengerti apa yang mereka lihat dan juga pelan-pelan belajar membaca kata.

3. Beli kaset/VCD/DVD berbahasa asing.
Akan lebih mudah untuk anak balita menangkap bahasa asing daripada di kemudian hari.

4. Beli software komputer untuk anak balita.
Banyak software yang melatih kemahiran menggunakan keyboard karena sebelum berusia 2,5 tahun anak cenderung sulit menggunakan mouse.

5. Beli huruf abjad yang terbuat dari plastik dan simpan di kamar mandi.
Setiap kali mandi, perkenalkan huruf baru dan lakukan berulang-ulang hingga anak hafal. Dengan cara itu, pelan-pelan anak akan mulai belajar adanya hubungan antara berbicara dan menulis di dalam bahasa.

6. Selalu lakukan pengulangan.
Banyak orang tua merasa frustrasi jika anaknya berulang-ulang membaca satu halaman di buku yang sama atau menonton film/VCD yang itu-itu saja. Jangan sebal dan panik! Ini merupakan suatu bagian penting di mana anak mengenal proses informasi.

7. Beli huruf-huruf dan angka-angka yang terbuat dari magnet.
Hal ini memungkinkan anak bermain sambil belajar di depan lemari es. Kenalkan kata-kata yang baru setiap minggu.

8. Bacakan satu cerita setiap hari.
Baca dengan intonasi dan ekspresi seperti kita sedang bermain drama.

9. Ingat, pendidikan jasmani berhubungan langsung dengan pendidikan akademis.
Penelitian menunjukkan, perkembangan otak juga berhubungan erat dengan pendidikan jasmani, seperti merangkak sebelum usia 1 tahun. Jika Anda dan si balita sering melakukan aneka kegiatan olahraga bersama, ini dapat menambah perkembangan fisik serta otak anak. Entah itu berlari-lari, naik kuda, berenang, dan lainnya.

10. Beli satu set pelajaran dan pendidikan untuk anak balita.
Termasuk di dalamnya buku-buku, video, kaset, dan bagaimana caranya mengajarkannya. Baca dan belajarlah berdua anak. Membeli ensiklopedia bergambar khusus untuk anak pun tak ada salahnya.

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15 Ciri Pria Berbakat Kaya

Tidak sulit mencari lelaki kaya. Tapi tidak mudah menemukan lelaki yang pantas Anda cintai sekaligus membuat Anda tidak akan jadi "kaum duafa". Sebelum memutukan menikah dengannya, lihat dulu apakah dia punya 10 dari 15 ciri ini.

Lihat apakah kekasih Anda punya rekning bank lebih dari satu. Ini bisa jadi indikasi dia berbakat kaya. Karena, biasanya orang yang punya rekening tabungan dua atau lebih cenderung berusaha mengatur uangnya dengan benar. Lelaki tipe ini memisahkan pos-pos pnghasilannya. Misal, satu rekening digunakan hanya untuk menerima transfer gaji dan belanja, rekening lainnya untuk tabungan.

Tidak tepat jika orang yang suka menimbun harta, pelit, serta enggan berbagi dan memberi adalah orang yang berbakat kaya. Justru lelaki yang mudah tergerak hatinya dan gampang menolong oranglah yang pantas Anda lirik. Dia adalah tipe orang yang akan relatif mudah hidupnya. Entah bagaimana caranya, Anda berdua akan sangat jarang kesulitan uang. Dan yang terpenting, kenikmatan memberi itu memang tak ada penggantinya.

Jangan harap Si Dia berbakat kaya jika hidupnya dialirkan bagai sungai, entah hendak bermuara di mana. Lelaki yang berbakat kaya selalu punya rencana besar dalam hidupnya. Ada sesuatu di masa depan yang hendak diraihnya. Untuk itu, dia akan punya rencana jangka pendek dan menengah untuk mencapai cita-citanya. Dalam bercita-cita, dia tidak takut ada mmpi yang tampaknya mustahil.

Lelaki yang punya hobi spesifik cenderung menghabiskan uangnya untuk hobinya. Ini juga berlaku untuk lelaki yang hobi berbelanja. Tentu saja ada orang yang punya hobi spesifik punya urat kaya. Namun, toh tidak semua orang punya nasib bisa kaya begitu saja. Lelaki yang tidak punya hobi spesifik biasanya akan mengeluarkan uangnya untuk berbelanja berdasarkan mood. Dia cenderung merasa tidak punya kebutuhan spesifik, sehingga enggan membeli seusatu.

Dia tidak tahu persis apa bedanya barang mahal atau murah. Buatnya, kemeja ya kemeja. Bentuknya seperti itu, ada ukurannya yang pas dan pantas dipakai ke kantor. Lelaki seperti ini tidak akan bermasalah dengan kemeja murahnya.

Apakah Anda pernah mendengar dia mengatakan (kurang lebih), "Ini bisa jadi peluang bisnis. Bisa dicoba." Artinya, dia dapat melihat sesuatu, sekecil apa pun, sebagai sebuah peluang bisnis. Tiak banyak orang yang punya kemampuan seperti ini. Jadi, kalau dia kerap melontarkan komentar yang berhubungan dengan peluang bisnis, bisa jadi ia memang berbakat kaya.

Punya hidung bisnis saja tidak cukup tanpa kerja keras. Ini yang membedakan seorang pemimpi kelas berat dengan pengejar mimpi. Seorang pengejar mimpi akan berusaha sekuatnya untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya. Tentunya itu dengan kerja keras.

Perhatikan deh apakah Si Dia punya satu atau dua keahlian khusus. Misalnya, dia menguasai komputer dengan baik, pandai melobi, atau apa pun. Kemampuan khusus ini bisa jadi modal dia dalam menjalani hidupnya. Lelaki tipe ini cenderung survive dalam hidupnya.

Temannya ada di mana-mana. Tidak hanya mantan teman-teman SMA, kuliah, atau kantor. Tapi juga dari komunitas lain, yang mungkin Anda tidak pernah duga sebelumnya. Orang yang banyak teman bisa diartikan punya networking yang cukup luas sehingga ditaruh di mana pun dia akan bisa hidup (dengan baik).

Kadang Anda jengkel karena dia rajin menelepon atau SMS yang tidak penting ke teman-temannya. Just say hello saja bisa berkepanjangan. Mestinya Anda tidak perlu kesal karena ini adalah caranya untuk memelihara pertemanan. Orang boleh punya banyak teman, tapi jika dia tidak bisa memeliharanya, maka sia-sia saja.

Hanya orang yang menyenangkan yang mudah berteman. Pergi ke tempat baru mana pun, dia bisa dengan mudah punya teman ngobrol. Ini menandakan dia orang yang terbuka, punya sense of humor, dan berwawasan cukup luas. Orang-orang seperti ini biasanya tidak sulit beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru, termasuk jenis pekerjaan baru. Sehingga dia tidak perlu khawatir tidak punya pekerjaan yang baik.

Dia tahu persis apa kelebihan dan kekurangannya, dan percaya orang lain pun begitu. Sehingga, dia tidak gentar ketika berinteraksi dengan orang lain, atau diharuskan melakukan sesuatu yang baru. Termasuk dia percaya bahwa dia bisa hidup layak hari ini atau esok lusa, bersama Anda.

Dalam melakukan apa pun, dia fokus. Perhatiannya tidak mudah terceraikan oleh hal lain. Orang yang fokus biasanya punya tanggung jawab yang baik. Ini berhubungan dengan bagaimana dia berusaha mencapai cita-citanya, menyelesaikan pekerjaannya, dan serius membangun hidup bersama Anda.

Hampir tidak pernah Anda mendengar, "Ah, susah", Enggak bisa", "Mustahil aku bisa melakukannya", "Malas ah", dan yang sejenisnya. Lelaki pesimis akan sulit survive dalam hidupnya. Keoptimisan bisa membuat seseorang mampu melakukan sesuatu yang secara hitungan di atas kertas sulit.

Lelaki penyakitan akan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya dengan tidak melakukan apa-apa.. Belum lagi ongkos dokter dan rumah sakit yang makin tidak masuk akal mahalnya. Uang Anda berdua bakal habis di sini. Selain itu, orang yang sehat akan bisa berpikir dengan lebih sehat.

Jangan pernah terjebak pada penampilan luar dan mulutnya yang bilang, "Hidupmu terjamin sampai kapan pun Sayang." Karena, yang terpenting Anda merasa nyaman hidup dengannya, dia bisa membuat hidup Anda berarti dan Anda bisa tertawa bersamanya.

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