Nude Beach

Sebenarnya tak sulit untuk mencari resort Nude Beach, Di negara tetangga kita, Australia, ada beberapa lokasi yang memang diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang menyukai naturalism dan tempat itu tersebar di hampir wilayah negeri itu. Tapi kalau mau tahu tempat yang paling populer, luangkan beberapa menit untuk membaca daftar yang ini.

1. Montalivet - Perancis
Daerah ini diresmikan sebagai kawasan Nude Beach sejak 1950. Ini dibuat untuk memenuhi keinginan para Nudist dan menjaga keamanan mereka. Asal tahu saja, Le Centre Hélio Montalivet ini adalah penggagas gerakan naturist internasional. Tempat ini didesain jauh dari jangkauan keluarga dan mereka yang berada dibawah umur.

2. Hedonism, Negril, Jamaica
Atmosfir yang ditawarkan di kawasan ini adalah petualangan dan kenikmatan diri sendiri serta menikmati petualangan "khusus" dengan dimensi berbeda .. pengen tahu? datang aja langsung.

3. Samurai Beach, Australia
Bedanya kawasan nudes beach ini dengan nudes beach lainnya yaitu nuansa sporty. Pada bulan November disetiap tahunnya, diselenggarakan Olimpiade Nudist. Mereka melombakan antara lain, lari estafet dan surfing .. asyiknya semua peseta, penonton maupun juri wajib bugil .. wowwww.

4. Wreck Beach, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Kawasan yang terbentang sepanjang 3 mil ini menawarkan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan para nudist yang berada di Canada. Banyak souvenir yang ditawarkan dikawasan ini. Hmmmm tapi kalo lagi bugil, naruh dompetnya dimana?

5. Red, White and Blue Beach, Santa Cruz, California
Kawasan ini cenderung lebih mengutamakan privacy, karena kebanyakan kawasan pantainya dimiliki perorangan. Kalau Anda mencari keramaian barangkali ini bukan tempatnya tapi kalau Anda ingin bernude-ria tanpa hiruk pikuk orang lain, anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat.

6. Red Beach, Crete, Yunani
Kawasan nudist di negeri para dewa Yunani ini mengijinkan para pengunjung untuk berbugil ria kecuali di ruang makan. Pantai ini memiliki pemandangan latar puing-puing bangunan kuno dan kombinasi gua-gua purba.

7. Praia do Pinho, Camboriu, Brazil
Pantai Pinho di Santa Catarina (Selatan Brazil) mulai dibuka sejak 1987 dan merupakan pantai resmi pertama bagi para Nudist di Brazil. Sekalipun sarat dengan eksotika, tidak berarti setiap pantai dikawasan ini terbuka bagi para nudist, sekalipun busana pantai juga dikenakan sekedarnya.

8. Haulover Beach, Florida
Salah satu kawasan pantai di Florida ini memberlakukan peraturan bahwa pakaian pantai boleh dikenakan atau boleh juga tidak. Jadi bagi para nudist dan mereka yang hanya gemar "mengamati" bisa bersama-sama berbagi kawasan pantai yang juga dijaga oleh penyelamat pantai yang bersertifikasi. Eh sayangnya petugas penyelamat pantainya nggak ikutan bugil.

9. Little Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Eksotika kepulauan Hawaii memang tak perlu diragukan lagi. Pantainya yang indah tentu menjadi daya tarik tidak hanya turis, pencinta laut, sudah pasti pula para nudist. Sebenarnya hukum setempat tidak mengijinkan berjemur dipantai tanpa busana. Tapi untuk kawasan littlet Beach di Maui, peraturan ini agar longgar. Busana pantai hanya merupakan pilihan, boleh dipakai, kalau tidak mau juga tidak apa-apa.

10. Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Kawasan ini lebih banyak bersifat pribadi. Jadi yang biasanya suka dengan tempat ini bukan para nudist lajang, tetapi justru mereka yang datang bersama pasangannya. Ada aturan berpakaian didaerah ini, jadi kalau Anda agak menjauh dari pantai, jangan coba-coba berkeliaran tanpa busana. Bisa-bisa Anda jadi pusat atraksi yang "baru".

Di Indonesia, keberadaan Nude Beach sulit untuk dipastikan atau bahkan tak pernah terdengar keberadaannya. Mungkin salah satu diantara anda memiliki informasinya?

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Alphabetical For Success

Menurut pakarnya, manusia sukses tidak cuma dari IQ saja. Peran EQ (Emotional Intelligence) pada kesuksesan bahkan melebihi porsi IQ. Seorang pakar EQ bernama Patricia Patton memberikan tips bagaimana kita menemukan dan memupuk harga diri, yang disebutnya alfabet keberhasilan pribadi.

Terimalah diri anda sebagaimana adanya.

Percayalah terhadap kemampuan anda untuk meraih apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup

Pedulilah pada kemampuan anda meraih apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup

Arahkan pikiran pada hal-hal positif yang meningkatkan kepercayaan diri

Terimalah penghargaan yang diberi orang lain dengan tetap berusaha menjadi yang terbaik

Hadapi masalah dengan benar dan yakin

G : GO
Berangkatlah dari kebenaran

Pekerjaan rumah adalah langkah penting untuk pengumpulan informasi

Abaikan celaan orang yang menghalangi jalan anda mencapai tujuan

Rasa iri dapat membuat anda tidak menghargai kelebihan anda sendiri

Terus berusaha walaupun beberapa kali gagal

Belajar dari kesalahan dan berusaha untuk tidak mengulanginya

Perhatikan urusan sendiri dan tidak menyebar gosip tentang orang lain

Jangan terlibat skandal seks, obat terlarang, dan alkohol

Amatilah segala hal di sekeliling anda. Perhatikan, dengarkan, dan belajar dari orang lain

Sabar adalah kekuatan tak ternilai yang membuat anda terus berusaha

Pertanyaan perlu untuk mencari jawaban yang benar dan menambah ilmu

Hargai diri sendiri dan juga orang lain

Percaya diri, harga diri, citra diri, penghormatan diri membebaskan kita dari saat-saat tegang

Bertanggung jawab pada setiap tindakan anda

Pahami bahwa hidup itu naik turun, namun tak ada yang dapat mengalahkan anda

Nilai diri sendiri dan orang lain, berusahalah melakukan yang terbaik

Bekerja dengan giat, jangan lupa berdo'a

Usaha lebih keras membawa keberhasilan

Anda dapat membuat suatu yang berbeda

Usaha nol membawa hasil nol pula

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Alasan Pria Ogah Pake Cincin Kawin

"Kenapa sih pria ogah pake cincin kawin kalau udah nikah?" Pertanyaan ini kerap kali muncul di kalangan wanita ketika melihat temannya atau bahkan pasangannya sendiri saat sudah menikah.

Padahal cincin kawin adalah lambang sucinya perkawinan dan suatu ungkapan bersatunya dua cinta sejati ke dalam suatu perkawinan. Jadi secara idealnya mestinya harus dipakai seseorang baik pria maupun wanita sebagai tanda kalau mereka sudah menikah atau bisa juga secara klise sebagai suatu simbol agar selalu teringat akan pasangannya.

Tetapi memang banyak sekali dijumpai pada beberapa pria yang udah menikah tapi tak memakai cincin kawinnya. Ada suatu jawaban yang enteng dan iseng banget, "Iya, biar tetap terlhat single, jadi bisa cari lagi donk." Jawaban ini sering kali terlontar dari sebagian pria yang sudah menikah atau bisa juga ini menjadi salah satu pandangan wanita ketika ditanyai tentang hal ini.

Dibalik itu semua, apa memang pasti begitu alasan keengganan seorang pria memakai cincin kawinnya hanya semata-mata agar bisa mencari lagi yang lain. Ternyata hal ini bukanlah satu-satunya alasan tetapi masih ada beberapa yang lain yang menyebabkan hal ini.

1. Enggan memakai cincin kawin karena merasa sayang. Bayangkan saja biasanya cincin kawin itu khan mahal banget bahkan sampe bertahtakan berlian. Bayangkan kalau sampai dibuat kerja, misalnya untuk menghitung uang, mencari dokumen dan mengangkat beban, karena memang kodrat seorang pria banyak berhubungan dengan aktivitas yang berat. Tipe pria model ini cenderung menggunakan cincin hanya pada even tertentu saja, karena mereka tak ingin cincin nikah mereka rusak dan mengurangi kesakralan cincin pengikat ini.

2. Cincin termasuk sebagai salah satu jenis perhiasan. Nah, tidak semua pria terbiasa memakai perhiasan, salah satunya seperti cincin. Dapat kita lihat jarang banget kita temukan pria yang memakai cincin kecuali untuk tuntutan profesi seperti mbah-mbah dukun yang memang sudah jadi trademark mereka. Pria merasa risih memakai cincin jika memang mereka bukan tipe pria yang suka aksesori sebagai pelengkap penampilan mereka.

3. Enggan memakai cincin karena tak mau dianggap pamer. Dibanding wanita pria bukan sosok yang suka pamer dan suka mencari perhatian terlebih dengan cincin kawin mereka.

4. Memakai cincin kawin bisa menarik perhatian orang asing untuk bertanya yang bukan-bukan. Nah, untuk menghindari hal negatif, pria cenderung lebih suka 'menyembunyikan' cincin kawin mereka.

5. Faktor keamanan jadi alasan pria enggan memakai cincin kawin.

Memakai cincin kawin bukan jaminan bahwa seseorang itu setia. Mau pake cincin kawin sampai jari tak kelihatan, bukan jaminan pria tak akan berselingkuh. Kalau mata dan hati udah bertaut apa yang bisa dikata. Cincin hanyalah simbol, yang paling penting adalah pendirian di hati. So, masihkah kita beranggapan kalau tak memakai cincin kawin itu berarti pertanda ingin selingkuh?

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Benarkah Jodoh Ditentukan Zodiak?

Entah itu ramalan zodiak ataupun shio, banyak orang selalu penasaran ingin tahu jodoh dan kehidupan asmara mereka. Namun benarkan aspek kehidupan cinta seseorang bisa ditentukan zodiak?

Menurut Dr David Voas dari Universitas Manchester, zodiac sama sekali tak memiliki pengaruh pada kehidupan asmara seseorang. Untuk menguji pendapatnya, David bersama tim dari Research Fellow, Centre for Census and Survey Research menganalisa hari kelahiran 20 juta pasangan suami dan istri di Inggris dan Wales.

Riset yang menggunakan data sensus tahun 2001 ini gagal membuktikan keterkaitan antara zodiak dan hubungan asmara maupun kehidupan cinta seseorang.

"Lebih dari 20 juta pasangan menikah di Inggris dan Wales, dan hampir sebagian besar memiliki pasangan yang tidak sesuai dengan unsur zodiak mereka. Jika ada kecenderungan ke arah sana, misalnya Virgo berpasangan dengan Capricorn, atau Libra dengan Leo, kita pasti melihat ada perubahan dalam statistik pernikahan tersebut," jelas David yang meyakini tak ada hubungan khusus antara seseorang dan zodiak.

"Jika kita memiliki 10 juta pasangan, dan hanya ada satu pasangan yang dipengaruhi rasi bintang dan memang berjodoh, kita masih butuh sekitar sepuluh ribu lagi pasangan yang memiliki kombinasi serupa. Tak ada bukti cukup untuk menjelaskan keterkaitan tersebut," tambah David seperti yang dimuat jurnal University of Manchester.

"Para ahli perbintangan menggunakan elemen-elemen perbintangan untuk meramal karakter seseorang. Namun yang dibicarakan oleh orang biasa adalah simbol-simbol matahari atau perbintangan, seberapa besar pengaruhnya, karena bagi sebagian orang hal tersebut masih kabur dan meragukan untuk menentukan pasangan jiwa mereka kelak. Prediksi tersebut bisa jadi justru menjadi pukulan pada keyakinan yang mereka anut," papar Dr Voas yang tak bermaksud merendahkan profesi para ahli astrologi populer seperti Mystic Meg, Russell Grant dan Jonathan Cainer, namun Voas lebih memperhatikan antusiasme publik pada ramalan perbintangan dengan garis jodoh mereka.

"Namun dari pencarian di mesin pencari Google, kata kunci 'cinta' dan 'astrologi' mencapai setengah juta, bahkan buku-buku yang mengangkat tema pasangan jiwa dan zodiak tulisan Linda Goodman salah satunya 'Sun Signs and Love Signs' terjual lebih dari 1 juta copy di seluruh dunia pada 40 tahun terakhir.

"Minat masyarakat yang tinggi terhadap horoskop semakin menguntungkan media, terutama untuk ramalan asmara, karena orang cenderung akan melakukan apapun, termasuk percaya dengan rasi bintang mereka," kata Doktor jurusan School of Social Sciences ini seperti dikutip

Sebelumnya, riset tentang ilmu perbintangan (astrologi) pernah dilakukan di Eropa, akan tetapi saat dilakukan test menguji para pakar astrologi, untuk mengetahui di mana letak posisi delapan planet-planet besar, ternyata 70 persen peramal tidak bisa mengetahui pengetahuan yang mendasar ini. Lalu, bagaimana mereka bisa menghitung dan mengartikan nasib orang lain, apabila letaknya saja tidak tahu.

Majalah Stern juga pernah melakukan tes pada semua ramalan para astrologi paling top di Eropa, ternyata dari hasil keseluruhan ramalannya selama satu tahun hanya 3 persen saja yang kebetulan mendekati kenyataan. Lalu bagaimana dengan Anda, masihkah berminat mencari pasangan jiwa sesuai zodiak Anda?

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Install Ubuntu from Windows in 3 Steps without Using a CD

Install Ubuntu from Windows in 3 Steps without Using a CD I can't help thinking about the days when, if you wanted to install a Linux distribution on your system, you had to go through a messy repartitioning of your hard drive, burning the distribution's image on a CD (or several CDs – there where no DVDs around those times) and, finally, figuring out what to do with the newly created CDs.

If you were lucky enough you had a semi-working OS on your machine that needed numerous tweaks, fixes and other things like these until it worked fine. And I'm not talking about getting it to work exactly how you wanted it to... just getting it to work.

Nowadays, installing a Linux flavored OS on your computer shouldn't be such a hard task to accomplish because there are tools out there that do it without you having to juggle around with your hard disk's partitions and even give a damn about what is happening under the hood. These days, we have come to a point when we can install Linux from inside our Windows OS by using a native Windows executable.

One of the multitude of such programs is Wubi (Windows based Ubuntu Installer), the one that I picked to present you before starting this article.

The thing that will surely amaze you is not that Wubi will install Ubuntu (with its flavors: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, UbuntuStudio) on your system without you having to deal with a mind-blowing row of tasks before finally having it ready to run, but that it will not affect your file system in any manner. As you can read on Wubi's FAQ page, "Wubi adds an entry to the Windows boot menu which allows you to run Linux. Ubuntu is installed within a file in the windows file system ( c:wubidiskssystem.virtual.disk ), this file is seen by Linux as a real hard disk."

So, you see, nothing gets changed in your Windows OS and there is almost nothing to it. In three unbelievable easy steps, anyone – even people that have never seen the looks of a Linux OS – can install Ubuntu on their computer.

What are those steps I'm talking about? Well... this is about everything you have to do:
1. Download Wubi from HERE;
2. Run Wubi from Windows as you would proceed with any other Windows program;
3. Select the password to be used while installing Ubuntu and click Install.

And presto, you have a fast, good-looking and (I think) very easy-to-use Linux distribution running right beside Windows in a dual boot environment.

The only thing that you really have to think about when beginning to install Ubuntu using Wubi is to decide how big the installation size should be. From what I've learned so far, 10 GB of space would prove more than enough for everything you might think to do when using it. But, if you think you'll need more and you have the necessary space (and I bet most of you do) you could give it about 20 GB to be sure everything will go as smooth as you'd want it to.

Keep in mind though: unlike using a paid software, when using Wubi (which is a free application) there are no warranties, therefore you run Wubi at your own risk. Despite this warning coming from the program's developers, I have never heard about a case when things have gone wrong.

What remains to be said now? Just enjoy Ubuntu and get back with a comment if everything is OK. If not... well... I’m impatiently waiting to hearing from you.

This is Wubi in action installing Ubuntu:


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Installing Windows 7 Milestone 1 Build 6519

Installing Windows 7 Milestone 1 Build 6519 - Just like Windows Vista but with a different finish. Installing Windows 7 Milestone 1 Build 6519 provides an experience almost identical to that of Windows Vista with the exception of a quite different finish. In this context, Windows 7 M1 gives the impression of something that Microsoft just threw together rather than a fully-fledged development milestone for the next version of the Windows client. Leaked details related to Windows 7 Build 6519 spawned observations that the version was too similar to Windows Vista for comfort. Now, make no mistake about it, Windows 7 M1 is no Vista, but at the same time the similarities cannot be denied.

The installation experience starts with a standard Windows Vista screen which permits the user to select the language of the operating system, the keyboard input, and the time format. Even the installing instructions mention Windows Vista exclusively. So does the Install/Repair screen that comes next and the Product Key dialog box. And just as in Vista, this part of the installation process can be circumvented.

Users can deploy Windows 7 without entering a product key, but they will be promoted to select an edition of the platform. Here it is all Vista, including Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, and Ultimate. The Windows Vista N editions are also present. But no Windows 7 option whatsoever. In fact, the first mention of Windows 7 comes via the Microsoft Pre-Release Software License. This document is the first clue throughout the deployment process that users are actually installing Windows 7 and not Vista.

The installation will continue just as in Vista with the options of an Upgrade or a Clean install. The Windows 7 files will be copied, expanded, features and updates installed, the devices will be configured, and users will be promoted to set up accounts and passwords, choose a computer name, update mode, time zone and network connection. Next, the logon screen will say Windows 7 Ultimate, provided that the user has chosen the Ultimate SKU of the operating system to install.


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Viagra for Women

In 2004, Pfizer Inc., the makers of the Viagra pill—introduced to improve men’s sexual health and functioning—announced that they would be abandoning eight years of previous research conducted in an attempt to develop a drug similar to Viagra to improve female libido and sexual health. Other products designed to improve sexual health in women are available, but can these Viagra alternatives provide effective results when it comes in increasing sexual desire in women?

How Does Viagra Work?
Viagra works by blocking an enzyme that acts as an inhibitor of blood flow. In men, this can cause penile tissue to swell. When a man takes Viagra, there is an increase in blood flow to the genital areas, which thus helps to treat erectile dysfunction or impotence in men.

The same enzyme inhibitor affecting male sexual dysfunction influences pelvic blood flow in women. The Viagra research team attempted to find a link between arousal in women and pelvic blood flow in the early stages of trials. However, this attempt failed, and some researchers even suggested that genital arousal in women does not necessarily produce sexual desire in women as it typically does in men. Women may define sexual arousal based on mental and emotional, as well as biological factors.

According to some of the researchers working on the Viagra team, Viagra for women or a Viagra alternative may help women facing sexual dysfunction due to side effects of other medication. In cases where sexual desire is inhibited due to emotional or psychological factors, a female Viagra solution may not be applicable.

Women and Sexual Health
Approximately 43% of women suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction in women is characterized by a lack of desire, arousal, or orgasm. Lack of desire is considered to be the most common complaint among these women. Approximately 20% of these women report having difficulties with lubrication, which can be assisted by Viagra-like drugs that may increase blood flow to the genitals.

Some common factors that inhibit women’s sexual health include:
* family concerns
* relationship concerns
* illness or death
* financial or job worries
* childcare responsibilities
* previous or current physical or emotional abuse
* fatigue
* depression

Physical factors that may be contributing to sexual dysfunction in women include:
* hypertension
* heart disease
* cancer
* diabetes
* thyroid disorders
* neurological diseases
* autoimmune disorders such as lupus
* prescription drugs such as anti-hypertensives and depression medication
* over-the-counter medications
* drug and alcohol abuse

Solutions Available: Alternatives To Viagra
Currently, drug companies are looking to provide a treatment similar to Viagra for women that would increase the blood flow to the genitals in order to increase lubrication and relax vaginal muscles.

Some products and treatments already available include:
* L-arginine amino acid cream purported to increase vaginal blood flow using the same amino acid previously used by athletes to increase muscle development

* DHEA or the use of supplements of the male hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone, which is produced both by the adrenal gland and ovaries and converted into testosterone and estrogen. However, use of these supplements carries the risk of heart attacks, breast cancer, and emasculating side effects may also occur

* Testosterone Therapy for women who have undergone an oophorectomy (ovary removal) or a hysterectomy. A testosterone patch has recently been created to improve sexual health in women, but has failed to gain approval by the FDA

Many of these products and treatments require close monitoring by a physician since side effects can be severe and include irreversible changes in a woman’s voice or facial hair. In addition, all of the above options have yet to be scientifically validated.

The best treatment for sexual dysfunction in women may simply be exercise, counseling, and vaginal lubrication products which can act as more natural alternatives to Viagra and improve your overall health and wellness.

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Vista SP1 Driver Incompatibility Issues Still Unresolved

Four months since Windows Vista SP1 was released to manufacturing, the driver incompatibility issues affecting the implementation of the service pack are still unresolved. Vista SP1 RTM'd on February 4, 2008 along with Windows Server 2008. At that time, Microsoft informed that it was postponing the general availability of the release in order to give hardware developers a chance to adapt a set of problematic drivers which failed to integrate properly with the service pack. As a result, Vista SP1 didn't drop via the Download Center and Windows Update until March 18. But it looks that the extra time Microsoft provided hardware manufacturers to get their drivers playing well with Vista SP1, a source of obvious end user frustration, failed to deliver an actual result.

On June 5, Microsoft explained that Vista SP1 was still not being delivered to some machines running Vista RTM but featuring problematic hardware device drivers. The Redmond company continues not to serve SP1 through Windows Update or Automatic Updates for Vista copies which include a small set of device drivers causing functionality issues following the implementation of the service pack. With a few exceptions, the list is identical to what Microsoft published back in February.

Obviously, since the Redmond giant has put its evangelism wheels in motion, the hardware manufacturers did provide updated versions of the drivers. However, the problematic items were not tweaked to play well with Windows Vista SP1. In this context, the best course of action is to make sure that you have the latest versions of the device drivers available installed prior to deploying Vista SP1 in case the service pack is not delivered through WU or AU.

Here is the list of Vista SP1 problematic drivers as of June 5, 2008. (Please check the hardware vendors official websites for updated versions of the following device drivers tailored to Windows Vista SP1)

"Audio drivers
Realtek AC'97
• For x86-based computers: Alcxwdm.sys - version or earlier
• For x64-based computers: Alcwdm64.sys - version or earlier
• For x86-based computers: - published 12/17/07 or earlier
• For x64-based computers: - published 12/17/07 or earlier
• For x86-based computers: - published 12/17/07 or earlier
• For x64-based computers: - published 12/17/07 or earlier
Creative Audigy
• For x86-based and x64-based computers: P17.sys – versions earlier than
Conexant HD Audio
• For x86-based computers: Chdart.sys - version or earlier
• For x64-based computers: Chdart64.sys - version or earlier

Display drivers
Intel Display
• For x86-based computers: Igdkmd32.sys – versions between and including driver and
• For x64-based computers: Igdkmd64.sys – versions between and including driver and

Other drivers
• Texas Instruments Smart Card Controller with the GTIPCI21.sys driver file – version or earlier
• Sierra Wireless AirCard 580 with the Watcher.exe application – version or earlier

Symantec software driver for Symantec Endpoint Protection and for Symantec Network Access Control clients
• For x86-based computers: Wgx.sys – versions 11.0.1000.1091 or earlier
• For x64-based computers: Wgx64.sys – versions 11.0.1000.1091 or earlier

Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo LA 1703 Notebooks that have a BIOS release date of March 14, 2008 or earlier."

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Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade to Windows Vista SP1

Ever had the feeling that Microsoft is scrambling to salvage what little it still can out of Windows Vista? While continuously claiming that its latest Windows client is not a failure, and pointing to the 140 million licenses sold as of March 2008, the Redmond company seems keen on demonstrating that it can pull the operating system out of the sinking sands of public opinion. In this regard, Service Pack 1 is indeed used as a floating device, but a tad of marketing on the side can't possibly hurt, can it? The focus for the time being, as far as Microsoft is concerned, is business users. Traditionally slow to upgrade to a new Windows release, corporate clients are now looking at Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 as alternatives to Vista upgrades. The software giant is working to push Vista SP1 down their throats even if XP SP3 continues to work, and despite the proximity of Windows 7.

"This one is for all you IT professionals out there. A lot of you are probably having discussions inside your company about when to deploy Windows Vista, or you've deployed it and want to know which of the new capabilities can have the biggest impact on your business. To help in your evaluations we've released a new white paper, The Business Value of Windows Vista: Five Reasons to Deploy Now. This document summarizes the top enterprise features, latest customer case studies, and research on the capabilities of Windows Vista all in one place," revealed Christopher Flores, Director Windows Communications.

Still, in order to catalyze upgrades to Windows Vista, now with Service Pack 1, Microsoft employs the same set of arguments currently associated with a failed Wow. The company places the focus on increased security, mobility, productivity, reduced TCO, and streamlined deployment. The only new addition to this equation is Service Pack 1. The fact of the matter is that all these arguments are just as valid for Windows Vista RTM. And yet, business users have failed to crowd to the latest Windows operating system, choosing to stick with Windows XP and, in some cases, even with Windows 2000. If SP1 doesn't do it for them, certainly a list of five upgrade reasons, however elaborate or true, will not spark Vista upgrade fiestas across enterprises.

Here is the complete list provided by Flores, for Vista SP1:
"1. Improves the Security of PCs and Confidential Data. Windows Vista Enterprise had 20% fewer security vulnerabilities than Windows XP SP2 did in 2007-and it includes BitLocker Drive Encryption to help protect your confidential data.

2. Unlocks the Potential of Today's Mobile PCs. Windows Mobility Center helps users quickly access key mobility settings all in one place and research shows that Windows Vista can help customers save as much as $251 per mobile PC, per year.

3. Makes You and Your People More Productive. Find the information you need on your computer and reduce time spent searching for information by up to 42%.

4. Speeds ROI with Rapid Deployment and Migration. New imaging technologies and free deployment tools make the process of deploying Windows Vista easier than with any previous version.

5. Reduces Support and Management Costs. The costs saving can come from multiple places including reduced help desk calls, less time spent on image maintenance, or a lower energy bill."

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Windows Vista Is Ready

Windows Vista Is Ready - For your business, claims Microsoft. Microsoft released Windows Vista to corporate customers in November 2006 and to the general public in January 2007. But it wasn't until 2008 that Windows Vista was actually ready for businesses. It took Mike Nash, Corporate Vice President, Windows Product Management, over a year and a half to acknowledge that the Redmond company had failed to hit the sweet spot with its latest Windows client from the get go, and that it had to work throughout 2007 to perfect it. In this context, the release of Service Pack 1 is a milestone synonymous with Vista's readiness for business adoption.

Nash stressed that an investment in Vista SP1 makes sense even in scenarios of companies dealing with a limited budget to manage their IT infrastructure not only for the favorable cost/benefit factor, but also for the fact that migrating to the new operating system would prove a good idea even after Windows 7 drops on the market.

"Investments [in security and reliability] often meant changing the way that applications and drivers run on Windows, and they impacted the initial performance and compatibility of systems. Many people saw the value of the work we had done on things like data protection, search, mobility, and deployment - but there was a tradeoff between those benefits and device and application compatibility," Nash explained.

Throughout 2007, Microsoft hammered away at the operating system in order to soften all the rough corners, struggles which culminated with the release of Vista SP1. At the same time, the company's evangelism efforts paid off, as the hardware and software ecosystem became increasingly tailored to Vista SP1. According to Nash, this is the right time to give Windows Vista, now with SP1, another try.

"It is my firm belief that Windows Vista is ready for your business. If I ran an IT organization, I would first test and remediate my applications on Windows Vista. Then I would make sure that all new machines had 2 GB of RAM and run Windows Vista Enterprise Service Pack 1. For existing machines, with modern processors and less than 2 GB of RAM, I would consider upgrading the memory, BIOS and drivers, and then loading Windows Vista Enterprise SP1," Nash revealed.

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Linux Cannot Connect to Vista SP1 over Cryptographic Security Services

Computers running open source Linux operating systems have problems connecting to Windows Vista Service Pack 1 machines when cryptographic security services are involved. Essentially, the problem affects all distributions of Linux and both Vista RTM and SP1 and is related to failures to establish IPsec connections between the platforms, in scenarios where the connection is initiated from the machine powered by the open source operating system. Internet Protocol security (Ipsec) is, of course, related to the cryptographic security services which are used to protect network communications.

"Consider the following scenario. You use Windows Vista Local Security Policy on a Windows Vista-based computer. Or, you use the new Windows Firewall with Advanced Security on a Windows Vista-based computer. You try to initiate an Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) connection from a Linux-based computer to the Windows Vista-based computer. In this scenario, you cannot establish the connection," Microsoft revealed.

Previous versions of the Windows operating systems, including Windows XP and Windows Server 2008 have no issues communicating with Linux. The same is valid for IPsec communications between Vista SP1 and Linux, when the connection is initiated by the Vista computer. This is not an interoperability problem, but rather a glitch in Vista SP1. Microsoft offers a hotfix for the customers impacted by this specific issue.

"In IPsec negotiation for transform proposal of the combination where Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) are used for securing the same packet (AH+ESP), Windows Vista switches the order and replaces the packet with ESP+AH. This behavior breaks the negotiation. In this case, when you initiate the IPsec connection from a Linux-based computer, the Linux operating system proposes that the IPsec security format is AH+ESP. Therefore, the connection cannot be established," Microsoft explained.

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Vista and Windows Server 2008 Application Compatibility Tool

Windows Server 2008 is bound to bring on a new round of compatibility problems, similar to those experienced with Windows Vista deployments, for customers making the jump from older versions of the operating system. One of the biggest issues in this context is the readiness of the ecosystem of solutions orbiting around Microsoft's server platform for the new version of Windows Server. Microsoft is well aware that real software incompatibility problems, or even their anticipation, can successfully keep customers from upgrading to Windows Server 2008. Microsoft does tackle such scenarios on its end, and an illustrative example in this case is the "Works with" Tool for Windows Server 2008.

"The 'Works with' tool is a time and cost-saving resource for developers and IT Pros to determine application readiness on Windows Server 2008. Within two to four hours the tool compares an application with Microsoft’s application compatibility criteria and provides a detailed summary. The 'Works with' tool can be applied to both commercial and custom in-house developed applications and helps provide IT Professionals increased confidence to deploy applications on Windows Server 2008," Microsoft revealed.

Customers can deploy the tool on computers where the software products will be tested. The 'Works with' tool is not limited at Windows Server 2008, as it also permits the evaluation of applications components designed to run on Windows Vista. According to Microsoft, the applications will be tested in accordance with the criteria used by the company for the Works with Windows Server 2008 Logo program.

"The 'Works with' Tool for Windows Server 2008 can help identify potential compatibility issues in your applications running on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems," Microsoft explained. "This tool requires that you install the application on a machine running Windows Server 2008 and any client components on machines running Windows Vista. It will run tests and background monitoring to verify the application's compatibility."


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Microsoft Shares Windows Vista Web Services Protocols

In a new initiative designed to be an integral part of its new found commitment and strategic focus on interoperability, Microsoft has announced that it is sharing the Windows Vista web services protocols with the Printer Working Group. In this manner, PWG, a program of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization, will benefit from the Microsoft Scan Service Definition Version 1.0. WS-Scan specifically refers to the web services protocols tailored to scanning peripherals. By sharing the Vista web services protocols, the Redmond company is effectively landing a helping hand to partners offering support for the building of products which will play well across a number of platforms.

"This collaboration is a response to customer and industry interest in having the WS-Scan Service Schema mapped directly to the PWG Scan semantic model," explained Jack Mayo, group program manager with the Windows Experience team at Microsoft. The way the Windows Vista operating system shares information with scanning peripherals is a process controlled via WS-Scan. In this regard the Web Services Protocols provide nothing more than a framework bridging the platform with scanning products.

"The benefit to customers will be making great scanning solutions for Windows-based interoperable with other platforms. The ability to make interoperable solutions will also greatly reduce the development burden on the PWG partner companies," Mayo added. By offering WS-Scan to the PWG, the Redmond company enables members of the printing industry to create solutions that will be interoperable with additional platforms, and not just Windows.

"Microsoft’s WS-Scan specification is a significant contribution to the Printer Working Group. It will greatly help us in our effort for industry wide standardization of networked multifunction device behaviors and capability representation," added Jerry Thrasher, PWG chair and senior standards engineer for Lexmark International. Over a year since the general availability of Windows Vista, and following the introduction of Service Pack 1, the latest Windows client enjoys an ecosystem of both hardware solutions and device products which is over 77,000 strong. Via the WS-Scan, Microsoft aims to rub off some of Vista interoperability on other platforms.


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Watch the Full Windows 7 Video Presentation, Not Just the Official Version

Microsoft has sort of timidly started to share a couple of rather anodyne details about Windows 7, the next version of the Windows client due by the end of 2009, according to the company's Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer. Christopher Flores, Director Windows Communications even made available a video demonstration of Windows 7, but it showed only what Microsoft wanted its users to see. As such, the focus was placed exclusively on Windows 7's new multi-touch and gesture technology. But the entire video for the presentation of Windows 7 at D6 – All Things Digital features additional indications about the direction the Redmond giant is heading towards with the graphical user interface of the successor of Windows Vista.

In the video segment embedded at the bottom of this article you will be able to see Julie Larson-Green, Corporate Vice President, Windows Experience Program Management, and her full presentation of Windows 7 at the D6 – All Things Digital conference. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer are also featured in the video. Ballmer even manages to intervene at a certain point. Larson-Green's demo of Windows 7 is not intended to show anything else than the multi-touch and gesture natural user input model of the operating system.

However, a piece of the traditional desktop is still present, although evolved beyond what Vista delivered with the Windows Aero GUI. The Taskbar has been redesigned. It's by no means a complete overhaul, since the basic concept is still the same; however, the changes are notable. First off, the Start sphere button is completely separated from the rest of the area as is the tray icon in the right hand side corner. The new Windows 7 Taskbar is wider than the standard Taskbar for Windows Vista, and the new icons have also undergone an evolution.

Of course, Julie Larson-Green failed to utter a single word related to the new Windows 7 Taskbar. She only managed to say that "it’s something we’re working on Windows 7 and I’m not supposed to talk about it, not today." But, at the same time, Julie Larson-Green is responsible for the introduction of the Fluent/Ribbon graphical user interface in the Office 2007 System, so big things should be expected out of Windows 7's GUI.


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Windows 7 - the End of 2009

As much as Microsoft is trying to make the availability date for the next iteration of the Windows client ambiguous, officially pointing to a development process scoped for 2010, Windows 7 is actually dropping at the end of 2009, were we to believe Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer. In the past, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates also indicated that Windows 7 would be released in 2009. The only Microsoft top executive still on translucent barricades at this point in time and holding onto 2010 with both hands is Steven "Don't Call Me Transparent" Sinofsky, the Senior Vice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group.

Here is the official position from Microsoft, a refrain that the company has played to perfection through its PR mouthpieces: "we are well into the development process of Windows 7, and we're happy to report that we're still on track to ship approximately three years after the general availability of Windows Vista. As always, we will be releasing early builds of Windows 7 prior to its general availability as a means to gain feedback, but we're not yet ready to discuss timing and specific plans for any Beta releases. In the meantime, customers can confidently continue with their Windows Vista deployment plans", revealed Christopher Flores, Director Windows Communications.

But an early 2010 date, even January, just doesn't make sense for the launch of a consumer product. Windows Vista missed the 2006 holiday season by hitting the shelves on January 30, 2007. And the move hurt not only Windows revenues but also PC sales. As of yet Microsoft's strategy for Windows 7 is to not repeat the same mistakes it has done with Vista and to deliver an evolution on the foundation provided by the current Windows client. Shipping in early 2010 would be repeating a Vista mistake.

In this context, one mistake that Microsoft is not repeating, because it simply can't afford to, is overpromise and underdeliver, as it did with Vista. This is why Sinofsky gagged all details on the Windows 7 project. And when the company did start talking it did not touch subjects such as Betas, features or delivery deadlines at all. What it did was focus on what the operating system will actually bring to the table, namely the natural user interface demonstrated at the D6 - All Things Digital, the same place where Ballmer revealed that Windows 7 would hit the shelves by the end of 2009.


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Windows 7 Is Not a Way Around Vista SP1

Despite the fact that Microsoft has released Windows Vista in two separate stages focused on entirely separate customer segments, for businesses in November 2006, and for the general public in January 2008, consumers in both target groups failed to crowd to the latest Windows client. And even if there is a general trend for adoption to pick up following the release of the first service pack, there is no guarantee that the Vista SP1 milestone will deliver sufficient proof of maturity for Vista so that uptake would get off the ground. Furthermore, the proximity of Windows XP Service Pack 3, planned to drop before mid-2008 and Windows 7, which Bill Gates stated would start popping out as early as next year, in 2009, are both delivering an impact to end users that are considering their alternatives when it comes to upgrading to Vista.

"Worldwide, businesses' reactions to Windows Vista have been mixed. Most companies are well under way with their software and hardware compatibility testing and are planning to start their deployment toward the end of this year and into 2009. Others have had to prioritize major infrastructure projects beyond the client and aren't yet convinced that Windows Vista lies in their future," revealed Benjamin Gray, Forrester Analyst.

In the April 16, 2008 - Building The Business Case For Windows Vista report, Forrester claims that Windows 7 fails to represent a way around Windows Vista Service Pack 1. This is of course valid not only for businesses but also for the end users. Considering that SP3 will do nothing for Windows XP, and that Vista's predecessor will no longer be available via the retail and OEM channels starting in mid-2008, Vista SP1 upgrades are starting to get a feeling of inevitability.

"In fact, Forrester has spoken with dozens of companies that are internally debating the possibility of skipping Windows Vista entirely and going straight to the next release, known as 'Windows 7.' Although we applaud companies for thinking ahead, there are some harsh realities for those considering skipping Windows Vista. As a result, we're recommending that most clients start the migration to Windows Vista sooner rather than later to avoid potential pitfalls," Gray added.


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Bill Gates: All Surfaces Will Be Windows Computers

Thanks to a new trend which is responsible for increasingly pointing technology in the direction of adopting natural user interfaces, Bill Gates’ initial goal for Microsoft – putting a computer on every desk in every home – is somewhat evolving. In fact, it has at this point in time transformed into efforts of integrating Windows computers into all the traditional surfaces that are currently inert, failing to represent items of focus or interaction in any manner. But this will change in the future, as Microsoft labors to introduce a Windows computer into every surface possible, be it a tabletop or a wall, and make not only the operating system but also the touch-based, gesture recognition UI, along with additional examples of natural user interfaces technology ubiquitous.

"Our view is that all the surfaces, horizontal surfaces, vertical surfaces, will eventually have an inexpensive screen display capability, and software that sees what you're doing there, so it's completely interactive. When I say everywhere, I mean the individual's office, I mean the home, the living room, all of those things. The cost of the hardware is not that great, and the quality of the software is improving substantially", Gates stated.

During his presentation at the Microsoft CEO Summit 2008, Chairman Bill Gates demonstrated the Touch Wall, a new 4-foot-by-6-foot prototype which is not a vertical equivalent of Surface, introduced in early 2007, but a new example of multi-touch user interface technology. Touch Wall is not developed by the same team that is building Microsoft Surface, but is instead a project developed through the combined efforts of Microsoft Research and Office Labs. The joint venture produced a touch-sensitive interface in a vertical surface but also the underlying software, labeled as Plex.

"Well, I always like to show something that's new, because that's kind of risky and exciting, and so what I thought I'd show is this future whiteboard, the intelligent whiteboard. So far, this display has just had the nice meeting logo, but, in fact, it's running a new piece of software. It's got some scanning cameras down here at the bottom, so whenever I go up to it and say just touch it, the software will notice that, theoretically", Gates revealed.


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Bill Gates Promises Windows 7 Will Be Less of a Resource Hog

There are but scarce details pointing the direction in which Microsoft is taking the development of Windows 7, and the operating system, for that matter. Nevertheless, if Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is to be believed, Windows 7 is going to be less of a resource hog than its predecessor, although such a comparison can only be speculated upon and was not actually stated. On May 7, 2008, one day after the Redmond company dropped Windows XP SP3 via Windows Update and the Download Center, Gates was in Tokyo, Japan, at the Windows Digital Lifestyle Consortium and he mentioned the fact that there was a focus in making Windows 7 play well with less physical system memory.

"I'm very excited about the work being done there. The ability to be lower power, take less memory, be more efficient, and have lots more connections up to the mobile phone, so those scenarios connect up well to make it a great platform for the best gaming that can be done, to connect up to the thing being done out on the Internet, so that, for example, if you have two personal computers, that your files automatically are synchronized between them, and so you don't have a lot of work to move that data back and forth," he commented.

At CES 2008, Gates refused to answer a question inquiring as to which software product he wished Microsoft had perfected more before releasing it on the market. At that time, the Microsoft co-founder only said that he would provide an answer after the next version of the Windows client becomes available. According to the latest details Gates unveiled, Microsoft will take Windows 7 where Windows Vista never managed to go, making it even greener, offering increased performance and even swallow less RAM. Of course, at the same time, the Windows 7 PC to Windows 7 PC bridging capabilities come courtesy of Live Mesh, Microsoft's recently released cloud synchronization platform.

"Obviously we'd all love it if people had more PCs per average, and so making that simple is important. Also the effort to upgrade, I think that's an area we got a lot of feedback in Vista, that we need to invest in that, and we're going to make that very, very simple for people. So Vista is doing well, and we're hard at work putting even more investment now in the version that comes after that," Gates added.


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Microsoft Will Build an Ubiquitous Computing Environment in the “City of the Future”

Microsoft will be responsible for building an ubiquitous computing environment in the "City of the Future." The Redmond company announced that its technology would be at the heart of Songdo, a new South Korean city being built 40 miles southwest of Seoul. Microsoft Solutions will cover various technological aspects of the Songdo International Business District and will be made available to citizens, government, as well as for education purposes. Songdo is under construction in Incheon, South Korea and will cost an estimated $35 billion (U.S.). Gale International, the developer of Songdo, singed a partnership with Microsoft, and the Redmond company will get to place a complete technology infrastructure for the "City of the Future."

"Designing an entirely new city from the ground up provides a unique opportunity to create an ideal technological infrastructure in which access to digital capabilities and experiences is an inherent part of the living and working environment across people’s lives," revealed Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft. "Microsoft is pleased to join with Gale International, which is working closely with the governments of Korea and Incheon and the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority to help turn this exciting vision into reality."

Bill Gates was present at the Government Leaders Forum - Asia in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he delivered the keynote address. Songdo will get a wide variety of Microsoft technologies, but the entire span of the project is yet to be determined. According to the Redmond company, the city's technological requirements will be determined in collaboration with the Gale International and the Korean government, but will feature a Windows Mobile capable interface for government services, the Microsoft Citizen Service Platform, Microsoft Surface and Virtual Earth.

"I am very glad to have Microsoft as one of the major technology partners for the ubiquitous connectivity of Songdo IBD, a part of the Incheon Free Economic Zone," said Heon-Seok Lee, commissioner of the Free Economic Zone Authority. "I am confident that Microsoft’s technologies will successfully make Songdo IBD a cutting-edge technology-enabled city, which will accelerate Incheon Free Economic Zone’s city development and investment promotion."


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2009 – 2010 - Windows 7 from Milestone Builds to the Beta and Final Versions

Will the real Windows 7 availability date please stand up! While officially, when Microsoft is in PR mode, the company is pointing to 2010 for the delivery of its next iteration of Windows, additional indications, slip-ups and leaks point to the end of 2009 for the release deadline of Windows 7. With Microsoft completely mum on the successor of Windows Vista, the speculation bonanza is being fed only crumbs from the Windows 7 feast. And the latest anodyne detail made public comes from none other than Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, who pointed out that Windows 7 is right on track for availability next year, in 2009.

"Sometime in the next year or so we will have a new version [of Windows 7]," Gates revealed in a statement before the Inter-American Development Bank, according to Beyond Binary. "I'm super-enthused about what it will do in lots of ways." By focusing on 2009, Gates managed to diverge from the official timetable for Windows 7.

In mid-March, a Microsoft spokesperson confirmed to Softpedia that "we are currently in the planning stages for Windows 7 and development is scoped to three years from Windows Vista Consumer GA [general availability, or January 31, 2007]. The specific release date will be determined once the company meets its quality bar for release."

With Steven Sinofsky, Senior Vice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, in charge of the Windows 7 project, Microsoft has made little to no details public about the next major version of Windows. Official confirmation offered was focused on promising both 32-bit and 64-bit variants as well as revealing a pet-project designed to modularize and isolate a low-footprint part of the platform, namely the core, as a standalone product dubbed MinWin.

Microsoft has so far offered Windows 7 Milestone 1 to its close partners and the antitrust regulators for review. Windows 7 M2 is expected in the April-May 2008 timeframe, and Mary Jo Foley says she heard talk about Milestone 3.

Gates' words could very well point to the general availability of Windows 7 ahead of the holiday season in 2009, a move which will not repeat the pains of Windows Vista's delivery at the start of 2007. But at the same time, 2009 could be synonymous with the release of the first Beta version of Windows 7. This even if there are indications that Windows 7 Beta 1 could drop as early as October 2008, more specifically October 27–30, 2008, at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC), in Los Angeles.


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Bill Gates' New Work at Microsoft Will Begin in July 2008

Bill Gates' new work at Microsoft will debut come July 2008. Yes, July is also the month synonymous with the end of Gates' day-to-day role in the company he helped found. On June 15, 2006, Microsoft announced that Gates will enter a two-year transition period at the end of which the Chairman will shift his focus mainly on the global health and education work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates will not completely divorce from Microsoft, but he has already unloaded the vast majority of his daily responsibilities on his successors.

But believe it or not, Gates will continue working at Microsoft, not only as chairman and advisor, but on specific projects. The Microsoft Chairman participated at the U.K. Server and Tools partner pre-launch event on January 30, 2008, and addressed the subject of his new responsibilities with Microsoft following July 2008.

"I had the pleasure of attending this event today. The last item was Q&A with Bill Gates and there were a number of questions that you will be able to watch and listen too in the future. However, the one that I thought was most interesting was this one: 'what will Bill be doing in his part time capacity with Microsoft and what will the Bill and Melinda Foundation focus on?' His reply was roughly (I made a few scribbled notes, so I hopefully have the gist, if not the words): Ray Ozzie and Craig Mundie will take care of the 'one Microsoft and R&D function'," revealed David Overton, ISV Partner Account Manager at Microsoft.

Back in mid 2006, Chief Technical Officer Ray Ozzie assumed the title of Chief Software Architect, and took over the technical architecture and product oversight. At the same time, Chief Technical Officer Craig Mundie was given the new title of Chief Research and Strategy Officer and took control over Microsoft's research and incubation efforts. In this manner, Gates' responsibilities passed to Ozzie and Mundie. After July 2008, the Chairman will focus on three key areas.

"Search - still have lots to deliver from the various teams - we have just started to see the beginning of this - in both Internet and enterprise areas. Office - Bill has always had a keen interest in this area and it will continue. Things to be included are Modelling and declarative rules. Natural User Interfaces - more voice, touch, gesture and general non-keyboard interaction with technology," Overton added.


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Bill Gates: Office Is a Platform too, Not Just Windows

In an effort to underline the relevance of the Office System as a platform for developers and not just an application, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates introduced during his keynote address at the Office System Developers Conference 2008, in San Jose, new software, services and tools designed to make Office an equivalent of Windows. At least from a development platform perspective. But unlike Windows, Gates emphasized the opportunity for developers to leverage Office, in order to build business applications. And to prove his point, the Microsoft Chairman also showcased a number of Microsoft Office Business Applications (OBAs) from various producers, including FedEx and Dell.

"I wanted to talk a little bit about some of the development platform directions, and why I see Office as continuing to innovate at a very rapid pace. The opportunity to make workers more productive is really a phenomenal opportunity, and I believe we're just at the beginning of that, and a key element is the broad set of software we use to empower those workers. And there's no more important piece of software for that than Office, and making this a platform is very important for us. In fact, if you look at the success of our software or any software, this emphasis on it being a platform, reaching out to developers, having great tools has been the key to its success," Gates stated.

Gates brought to the attention of the public no less than seven developer resources and tools tailored to the Office System. OBA Sample Application Kit enabled the creation of solutions connected with Office, while the Financial Services Reference Application Pack brings to the table over 75 OBA components that use Open XML and other Office system technologies for products aimed at the financial sector.

Via the OBA Composition Toolkit developers can put together Office and SharePoint Server 2007 mash-ups, and the BizTalk Adapter Pack and BizTalk Adapter Pack: Office Developer Program offer new opportunities in terms of line-of-business systems connectivity. The Visual Studio extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, v1.1 simplify the development process for SharePoint Server 2007, while the Metro for Unified Communications permits leveraging Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 for the integration of unified communications capabilities into third-party products.

"Almost half of ISVs and IT developers worldwide are using the Microsoft Office system to build business applications because Microsoft Office is such an effective way to unlock business data stored in back-end systems," Gates added. "With applications and services built on the Microsoft Office system, developers can make it easier for employees to connect to information and business processes."


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Smoking Mothers Will Have Obese Children

Nicotine pumped by smoking mothers into their babies growing inside the wombs is known to affect the brain's development, causing long-term behavioral and learning impairment. A 2007 research found that nicotine in the breast milk shortens a baby's sleep time.

And this new Japanese research points to another blow to the overall health: Mothers smoking in the first three moths of pregnancy will deliver children that are about thrice more likely to experience obesity later during their development. Still, the new research did not find a precise cause for this, one theory being that children of mothers who smoke experienced nutrition shortage while in the uterus. Also, by skipping the breakfast during pregnancy, mothers increased by 2.4 times the likelihood of their children developing obesity.

The team led by Zentaro Yamagata, professor at Yamanashi University's School of Medicine, made the two decades long survey on 1,400 Japanese women who became mothers between April 1991 and March 1997. The researchers managed to gather data on about 1,000 of these children till they entered fourth grade at age 9 or 10, and the results were announced recently at a meeting of public health experts in Japan, being scheduled to be published by December.

The obesity likelihood was increased by 2.9 times in the case of the children whose mothers smoked when they were three months pregnant or before, compared with children of non-smoking mothers.

The data "indicate smoking during pregnancy, even in the early stages, can affect the health of children over a long period of time. Researchers can "speculate" that children who had been poorly fed in the womb would stock up on nutrition after they were born. But we don't know the truth. What is important here is to stop smoking," said Yamagata.

"There have been studies around the world about the linkage between smoking during pregnancy and child obesity, but continuous research on the same group of children until they turn 10 is very rare", he added.


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Three Cups of Tea a Day Protect Women – But Not Men

Tea has been proven to protect women against heart attacks and strokes. Tea is not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect to show gender disparity – however, the latest research indicated that the millennia-old drink of mixed hot water and herbs has a documented tendency of proving more beneficial for women than for men - at least when it comes to its documented property of helping prevent heart attacks and strokes by fighting against the development of plaque in the arteries.

During a recent study, French researchers examined 2,613 men and 3,984 women with an average age of 73 and concluded that one third of the women who drank upwards of three cups of tea a day had plaques in their neck arteries. For the women who didn't drink tea, the number of subjects who had dangerous build-ups of fat and cholesterol in their arteries was around 50%. However, the same study, conducted by the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, based in Paris and Lille proved that the men who drank tea regularly didn't reap the same health benefits as the ladies.

The beneficial effects of the tea were even felt by women with high blood pressure. There's no explanation as to why men gain no protection as a result of regular tea consumption, but it is believed that there might be some complementary connection between tea and estrogen, the female hormone which (among many other things) protects women against heart problems.

"Findings in dietary studies are often confounded by other factors such as presence of disease in those taking part and other lifestyle behaviors. However, in this study, findings did not depend on whether the women were smoking or not, whether or not they took hormone replacement therapy and whether or not they suffered from vascular disease", stated Dr. Catherine Hood, a member of the Tea Advisory Panel in Britain, the world's largest per-capita consumer of tea, averaging about 3.5 to 4.0 cups per day. "No significant interaction was found with level of education, or fruit and vegetable intake", she added. So, ladies, what are we waiting for – put the kettle on and enjoy the benefits of a delicious cup of tea.


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Arti Tangisan Bayi

Setiap kali seorang bayi menangis, pasti si ibu akan menyorongkan payudaranya atau membopongnya. Tapi, ketika dua hal itu sudah dilakukan, dan si mungil masih saja menangis, barulah si ibu bingung.

Nah, coba saja si ibu tahu arti tangisan itu, kan tak perlu bingung?
Tapi, bagaimana tahu arti tangisan bayi?

Tangisan merupakan alat komunikasi pertama yang dikuasai bayi. Lewat tangisan, bayi mengutarakan keinginan dan kebutuhannya secara efektif. Tak heran, bayi menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk aktivitas ini.

Dalam buku Your Child's Body Language, Dr. Richard Woolfson menjelaskan bahwa tangisan bayi mempunyai arti berbeda-beda. Setiap jenis tangisan mengkomunikasikan pesan tersendiri untuk ayah ibunya.

Di bawah ini beberapa contoh tangisan bayi dan cara mengatasinya.
Tangisan Aku Ingin Menyusu:
Bayi Anda akan mulai menangis jika lapar. Tangisannya biasanya berulang-ulang. Pertama, ia menangis lalu berhenti sejenak untuk mengambil napas, menangis lagi, berhenti sejenak untuk mengambil nafas, demikian seterusnya.
Mengatasinya: susui dia hingga kenyang. Atau, jangan-jangan sudah waktunya makan?

Tangisan Popokku Kotor:
Bayi lebih suka popoknya bersih dan kering. Jika popoknya basah ia akan menangis karena merasa tidak dari rasa tidak nyaman. Tangisan pengumumam popokku kotor biasanya perlahan, kemudian makin keras dan makin keras. Anda juga bisa memperhatikan bahwa ia bergeliut-geliut di tempat tidurnya.
Mengatasinya: segera periksa popoknya. Ia barangkali memerlukan popok yang baru.

Tangisan Badanku Sakiiit:
Semua bayi menangis jika ia merasa sakit. Tangisan jenis ini adalah tangisan bernada tinggi, hampir seperti jeritan, kemudian ia terengah-engah pada saat menarik nafas, lalu menjerit lagi.
Jalan keluar: cobalah temukan apa yang membuatnya kesakitan. Pegang perutnya, jangan-jangan kejang. Goyang-goyang tangan, kaki atau leher dan kepalanya. Jika ia menjerit lebih keras ketika menggoyang bagian tertentu, mungkin ada yang sakit karena terjatuh tanpa sepengetahuan Anda. Kompreslah bagian yang sakit dengan air hangat.

Tangisan Aku Bosan:
Bayi selalu memerlukan stimulasi dan akan timbul bosan jika ia tidak memperolehnya, atau bahkan bosan dengan satu aktivitas saja. Tangisan jenis ini dirancang untuk mendapat perhatian Anda. Makanya, tangisan ini lebih mirip teriakan ketimbang tangisan. Dan, ia akan tetap menagis seperti ini selama ia merasa bosan.
Mengatasinya: ganti aktivitasnya. Misal, temani dia bermain, menyenandungkan nyanyian, membacakan cerita atau bisa juga ajak jalan-jalan.

Tangisan minta gendong:
Bayi Anda akan menjadi cengeng jika lelah, walaupun ia mungkin tidak ingin tidur. Ia akan merengek dengan menjengkelkan. Kepalanya mungkin terangguk-angguk untuk beberapa detik, dan mungkin Anda melihat bahwa ia menggosok-gosokkan tangannya pada mata serta wajahnya.
Mengatasinya: ayunlah ia perlahan-lahan sampai akhirnya ia jatuh tertidur.

Tangisan kesepian:
Bayi Anda senang bergaul. Ia ingin Anda selalu berada di sisinya. Jika merasa kesepian, tangisannya akan terdengar menyedihkan. Seakan ia tengah sedih atau marah. Mengatasinya: luangkan waktu bersamanya paling tidak sampai ia tenang. Jika Anda perlu menyelesaikan sesuatu, gendonglah ia sampai tenang, kemudian lanjutkan pekerjaan anda bersamanya di sisi Anda.

Nah, itulah beberapa ciri tangisan bayi Anda. Dan, kini sudah tahu rahasianya, kan? Jadi, jangan langsung nyorongkan payudara lagi, ya?

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